Chapter 6

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Shutting her computer down, Cindy said, "I really don't know how I feel about this ball. Don't we need to get dates?"

"No, we can go together. That's what most of the other maids are doing." Phoenix said. "You don't sound too excited about it," she observed. Well of course not. Not when Cindy knew what the real reason was behind this ball. "Well I hope I get to dance with a cute boy," said Phoenix dreamily. She began to twirl around in their room and hum a song. Cindy was conflicted; Phoenix was so excited about this dance, her heart would be crushed if Cindy told her why there was a ball. Furthermore, this dance convinced Cindy that King Carter probably had a hand in this; she just had to figure out if he was doing this unknowingly or knowingly. Suddenly there was another knock at the door.

"Coming!" Cindy yelled. Cindy opened the door to find Mary who was here to tell Phoenix that if she didn't come soon, the head maid was going to have Phoenix's head. Mary left with a look that questioned Phoenix's sanity: Phoenix was still twirling around and humming. Mary gave Cindy a look, and she shrugged. Cindy had no idea what was wrong with Phoenix. Mary left, trusting Cindy would get Phoenix off of cloud nine.

"You should get going," Cindy said, hoping Phoenix could hear her.

"Alright," she said dreamily. As if remembering where she was, Phoenix pulled herself together. "Sorry about that," she said sheepishly. Cindy told her it was fine and explained what was going on. "Oh crap! That was the other thing I was supposed to tell you. You'll be helping us serve the royal family tonight," she said.

"But I'm not a maid!" Cindy exclaimed.

"Please Cindy? One of the maids is sick and we're short! I told Stacey you could help." Phoenix replied.

"Why would you tell her something like that?" Cindy asked.

"Please please please! You owe me for helping with Dameon. Please?" begged Phoenix.

"Dammit! That's the last time I'm going to ask for favors," Cindy muttered to herself. She turned to Phoenix and replied begrudgingly, "Fine. I'll help."


"Cindy! I told you the breadsticks first! Not the bread basket!"

"What's the difference?" Cindy yelled back at Stacey. Man, Phoenix was right. She had told Cindy on the way here about Stacey, and Cindy agreed that Stacey was like a three eyed monster who feasted on human flesh. Cindy stood with her hands on her hips and stared Stacey down. To her credit, Stacey didn't cower like Cindy expected her to; she just glared back at Cindy.

"This is a stick," she said slowly, "and this is a basket full of bread." Stacey placed the basket down. "Now, do you need me to repeat this again so you're incompetent hea-"

"Back off Stacey," yelled Phoenix, "this isn't Cindy's job. She can leave whenever she wants. She's just fulfilling a favor for me." Stacey mumbled under her breath and bumped into Cindy as she passed. Rubbing her shoulder, Cindy mouthed thanks to Phoenix. She responds with a shrug.

"Are y-you ready?" asked a timid voice. Cindy jumped. It was Mary.

"You could be a ninja!" Cindy said with her hand over her heart, "you scared the living daylights out of me!" Mary blushed.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." Her eyes were lowered and she wouldn't look Cindy in the face. Seriously? What is it with these maids and not looking at people, Cindy thought.

"You know you can look at me, right?"

"I know, I-I just want t-to, I-I didn't m-mean to-"

"Don't worry about it," Cindy said, "Just help me not screw up, and we'll be great!" Mary laughed with Cindy when a frazzled Stacey came from around a corner.

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