Chapter 5

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Cindy's communicator screeched in her ear as it caught a trace. She had been walking for a while catching conversations here and there. She paused. It was the door from yesterday. Cindy tuned her device and hid in the spot she did last night.

"So it's been decided?" asked a gruff voice. It sounded female.

"Yes," answered another, "we'll invite the other kingdoms to a ball in order to lure in the enchanted objects." There were murmurs of agreement.

"Excellent," said the female voice from yesterday, "we need to send out word if we are to achieve our goals." Cindy hid behind her spot till everyone had exited the room. Once they were gone she tried the door. Unlocked. She slipped in with ease and headed straight to the desk. The book was still there. She pulled out her camera and took a picture of Herb Ergots Mirth's name and the crossed out pictures of the apple and necklace. She quickly snapped a couple of more pictures that weren't crossed out. Once Cindy was done, she closed the book and slipped out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" Cindy turned around to see the speaker. It was a woman and her voice sounded exactly like the gruff voice Cindy had heard a few minutes earlier. Her eyes widened in realization. Thinking fast, she dropped my barrette behind her.

"I dropped my hair clip when Phoenix was giving me a tour of the castle." The woman's face didn't falter. Cindy decided that she needed to embellish her story more. "It's kind of my good luck charm," she lied. The woman stepped toward me and I was ready to go into attack mode. She didn't hurt me though, as she reached down and held the camera.

"This it?" she asked. Cindy waited for the soft click of the camera before she said,

"Yup! Thanks for finding it!" Cindy snatched it from the woman's hands and turned to leave.

"Not so fast!" The woman said, gripping Cindy's arm, "That doesn't explain why you were inside that room." Cindy had no choice but to throw the woman to the ground and escape, but she was saved when someone yelled for her.

"Cindy! What are you doing? I've got to go now!" Dameon yelled. He saw Cindy cornered by the woman. "YOU! Let her go at once, she is needed immediately." Dameon yelled. The woman let go of Cindy's hands at once.

"Of course sire. I was just questioning why she was down here at this wing." The woman sneered at Cindy. Cindy took a step closer to Dameon.

"Does it matter? This girl has just arrived to the castle. She may have gotten lost. Who cares?" yelled Dameon.

"But sire-"

"Maybe I should tell my father," Dameon stated.

"Oh, please don't do that sire. I'm very sorry miss," the woman said. Dameon stood firmly as the woman left. She gave Cindy one more scowl before turning the corner and leaving.

Cindy sighed. "Thanks."

Dameon looked down at Cindy. "Don't mention it. But we need to hurry. I'm late." Luckily, Cindy was armed and ready to go. Dameon dragged her outside and into a Carriage.

"Where are we going?" Cindy asked.

"I need to visit a friend at Strongiron. Do you know Xavier?" Dameon said.

"You mean the Prince Xavier?" Cindy asked, "Why are you going over there this early in the day?"

"Look, can you stop with the questions?"

Cindy huffed and looked out the window. If Dameon didn't want to to talk to her, then she would happily oblige. Dameon sighed, running a hand through his thick hair. Cindy didn't understand what his problem was. Why was Dameon such a jerk? Suddenly, Cindy felt the vehicle lunge forward, catapulting her to the front.

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