Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Cindy? Cindy. Cindy! CINDY!"

Cindy sleepily opened one eye looking at the perpetrator who disturbed her much needed nap. It was her history teacher looking down, frowning.

"Cindy," she scolded, "get up. You're going down to the principal's office. My patience has run thin." Cindy gave the woman a look. Who the heck cared about this class? She thought. It's history for god's sake. Cindy looked around the classroom finding other classmates with their phones out (a big no no for this teacher), and students excessively talking about the new gossip floating around school today. Honestly, Cindy's teacher was the only person here who really gives a damn.

Cindy rolled her eyes. "Oh Miss, I didn't mean to be a bother. It's just that your lecture was so boring, I couldn't help but fall asleep." If a person could spontaneously blow up, my history teacher would be that one: her face was turning a dangerous shade of red, it really blended in with her hair. As she exhaled slowly, the classroom quieted down, all eyes on me.

"Cinderella, you are getting on my last nerve. Leave at once!" the teacher said pointing to the door. Scowling at her, Cindy gathered her stuff, shoved it into her bag, and began the walk of shame. Cindy absolutely HATED public school. The people were nasty, the teachers were completely unfair, and the food. There were not enough words to describe the food at this godforsaken place. Cindy was a complete outcast here, everyone knew this. She's been the 'new girl' in several schools already, her reputation of being a troublemaker spreading around like wildfire between the teachers and students. Suddenly, Cindy felt herself free falling, her bag spilling out its contents.

"Oops, sorry clutz," said Eleanor LeStrange. She smirked at Cindy as Eleanor walked to her desk, surrounded by all her friends. Cindy looked at her history teacher who must have seen the spectacle, but instead she had made her way back to her desk and was fiddling with her computer. Cindy sighed. So much for that. No one was coming to her aid, so Cindy pushed all her crap back into her bag. Cindy could feel Eleanor and her friends watching her as she picked her stuff up. She saw Hanna lean over to Eleanor and whisper something in Eleanor's ear. The two looked at Cindy and laughed. Cindy could feel her anger slowly rise, about to burst at any moment like Ol' Faithful, but she had to keep her cool. Her and her dad had moved enough already because of Cindy's antics, and she promised him this would be the last time they moved.

Sucking in her rage, Cindy started toward the door with the little dignity she had left. "Finally! She's leaving," said Eleanor. Cindy stopped, curling her hands into fists. Cindy despised being belittled by people who felt they were better than her, and Eleanor was no exception.

She stabbed a finger at Eleanor. "Listen here, I have done no wrong to you since I've been here, yet you tease me and bully me to no end." Eleanor opened her mouth to speak, but Cindy cut her off. "Oh, I'm not done yet! I know you've been sleeping around with your best friend's boyfriend like a little whore. Here's a tip for you, close your legs." So that last one was sort of a lie-the entire high school knew about this except for Hanna, but the look of horror on Eleanor's face was enough satisfaction for Cindy. She didn't have time to gauge Hanna's reaction as Cindy stomped out of the classroom. The only sound of goodbye was the inevitable slap that rang through the hallways of the high school.


As Cindy sat in the office, she felt like a complete bitch for what she had done. She probably had just ruined a friendship, but it wasn't like it was going to last forever, right?

"I'm such a jerk!"Cindy groaned, placing her head in hands. This was not going to go over well with my dad. Cindy tried to distract herself from her impending doom by staring at a bunch of plastic palm trees and a banner stating, 'Welcome to Cherry Hill High!' but it wasn't working.

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