Places That My Body's Has Never Seen Before

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These days, it was getting harder and harder for Camila to sleep in her room.

Lying in her bed and staring at the chandelier that still managed to stay illuminated despite the darkness, Camila realized that her insomnia probably stemmed from the tumultuous feelings she had been harboring for the last two weeks.

Ever since dinner Tuesday night, things had become comfortable between she and Lauren. The mornings always brought cheerful breakfast dates along with afternoon visits at the office for lunch.

Lisa had followed through on her word and booked Camila a couple of auditions, which brought back her hunger for performing. It kept her busy, the perfectionist in her preventing her from doing anything without extensive preparation. Despite the business between the two of them, Camila and Lauren managed a healthy structure between the two of them.

Everything was great.

Camila just needed to figure out how to get Lauren back into the playroom, and then things would even better.

As a matter of fact, if Camila could get Lauren to touch her at all, things would be perfect.

It had been ten days of no sex and Camila was really confused.

Not being in the playroom understandable adjustment. Camila had concluded that the lack of time in the playroom was most likely due to the nervousness Lauren probably felt. It was completely plausible for her to feel wary about going back into that setting so soon after changing the dynamic of their relationship.

Lauren never had a submissive in the playroom that she was kissing and fucking outside of playtime. She was just learning to cope with their new dynamic of 24/7. Not to mention Camila's needs were more intense than any other submissive, and only made Lauren lose control faster.

Camila understood that maybe Lauren was taking time before easing her back into that particular territory of their relationship.

However, cutting Camila off for ten days...was completely mind-boggling.

Camila knew after the emotional breakthrough she and Lauren shared regarding Christina, that they would not be doing anything intimate that night aside from spending another night cuddling in Lauren's large bed.

But now she was dying.

More often than not, most nights Camila found herself a quivering mess, aching for Lauren's touch. The memory of Lauren's hand coming down on her ass harshly in the bathroom kept replaying itself in her head and it only made her hungry for release.

Camila wondered what Lauren's angle was.

Camila was unable to really organize her thoughts regarding what Lauren was trying to accomplish with her; Camila found it hard to focus on anything that wasn't the desire raging inside of her for Lauren.

Briefly, Camila wondered if Lauren was punishing her further for her actions at dinner. While Christina deserved every bit of what Camila said, Lauren had still been disappointed in her behavior.

Camila did feel a twinge of guilt settle within her.

Christina had been right to look her up and down. Camila wasn't some pristine upper class citizen. She was just an actress, an artist, on Lauren Jauregui's arm. Camila just began to understand how much she probably embarrassed Lauren. They had been at a five star restaurant and she had behaved like a teenager, feeding into Christina's pettiness and giving her exactly what she probably wanted.

So maybe Lauren was trying to teach Camila a lesson. Camila hadn't shown the proper restraint as a mature adult, and more importantly as Lauren's submissive she had not given Lauren the proper respect.

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