Hold On Tight

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Over the years, Lauren had convinced herself that she'd never find anyone worthy of something as intimate as sleeping in her bed. She had never felt comfortable being that vulnerable with anyone, even Alexa.

It was that fact that made this moment, so important.

Because the second she opened her eyes, Lauren realized that she was in her bed with her arms wrapped tightly around Camila...and the feeling of the warm body next to her made Lauren feel happy.


As a matter of fact, there was the faintest trace of a smile on Lauren's face a she gazed over at Camila. Camila's face was soft with sleep and tucked firmly into Lauren's neck.

Lauren had never witnessed anything so beautiful.

They must have slept the entire day, both women exhausted from their shared passion. At the memories of how intimate she had become with Camila, Lauren pressed the pads of her fingers to her lips, almost in disbelief at the way Camila's taste still lingered there.

Lauren couldn't remember ever feeling as good as she had when Camila was touching her, kissing her. It was one feeling to have Camila falling apart under Lauren's body during play, but what they had experienced together hours before, was unlike anything Lauren had ever had before.

Lauren made a vow to be better for Camila, and the intimacy that they shared only validated that promise. With Camila being the woman she always yearned for, in every sense of the word, Lauren was willing to be the Dominant that Camila needed.

Licking her lips, Lauren caressed Camila's cheek.

It stirred her, and soon enough Lauren was staring down into deep brown eyes.

Camila's eyes were heavy with sleep, but the moment they met Lauren's her lips pulled up into a smile. Lauren grinned down at her, unable to stop herself at the deliriously happy look that took over Camila's face.

All there seemed to be was an empty room filled with nothing else that mattered but them. Camila was swept up in the depth of Lauren's stare, their bodies practically molded together. Any other time she would have felt nervous, embarrassed even, but today Camila felt as if she belonged there.

When Camila was back in her bedroom later that night she'd probably have a breakdown wondering what all of it actually meant. The kiss they shared, the passion they had embarked on that was so very different from what they were used to, Camila would wonder what it implied.

However, at this particular moment it didn't matter to Camila. She had her collar, she was back in Lauren's arms, and that's all she wanted.

Camila only wanted to belong to Lauren again.

Blinking up at Lauren, Camila bit her lip...the words stuck in her throat. She almost didn't want to speak and ruin the moment. Lauren raised an eyebrow and rubbed her thumb against Camila's cheek.


The words died beneath Lauren's tongue as Camila leaned up and captured her lips in a kiss. Camila fisted her hands in the messy blonde locks, tongue slipping past Lauren's lips with ease. Lauren moved against Camila, surprised, yet cupping Camila's cheek and moaning at the feeling of Camila's tongue sliding against her...everything. Camila's leg slipped between Lauren's, and they somehow became closer.

The feeling of their breasts pressed against one another, and more specifically Camila's body rolling against Lauren's as the kiss became more feverish, caused Lauren's body to vibrate with arousal. Camila's presence in her bed was affecting her more than she had prepared for.

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