It's Time To Play

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Camila woke up, surrounded by an array of pillows, after the most peaceful night of sleep she had ever had.

Sitting up groggily in her bed, she looked around at her beautiful room and smiled.

This was really happening.

Camila was going to be waking up in this room for the next year. She was going to be here, hopefully learning things about herself that she never knew existed. It was surreal, knowing that in a couple of hours, Lauren Jauregui in all her goddess-like glory would be home giving her directions on what to do as her submissive.

A comfortable hum settled within Camila and she pressed her hand against her chest, feeling her heart rate increase considerably.

Her eyes fluttered shut at the thought of Lauren, naked and pressed against her. Telling her how to move, how to respond...touching her. Camila felt a familiar ache between her legs, and practically vibrated with nervousness.

Camila recognized the feeling of desire traveling through her system. Pure desire.

It made her anxious.

Her thoughts became mixed up and all she could focus on was how good it was going to feel, how new and satisfied she was going to be. Shaking herself out of her sexual reverie, Camila glanced at her clock, noticing just how late in the morning it was. Leaving the bedroom, Camila placed her hands on the rails of the balcony and stared down at the empty house.

The smell of coffee wafted through her nose and Camila walked down the stairs, entering the kitchen.

There was a cup of coffee sitting next to a note.


I hope you had a good night's sleep. I made sure that Faye made you some coffee and breakfast before she left. Remember, I'll be home around twelve.

- L

Camila sat at the island and sipped from her mug. Looking around, she mused over how large and modern Lauren's kitchen was compared to her own. She loved cooking so much, but there was such limited space in her own apartment. Camila could probably do so much in this kitchen.

"You are not required to cook or clean around there. That is not your job."

Camila nodded to herself, remembering Lauren's requests. A dish of breakfast caught her eye and she reached forward to pluck a strip of bacon from the plate.

Chewing, Camila stood and wasted time walking around the house. Her father always called it "investigating your surroundings".

Camila noticed with disbelief, how detached the area was. There were no pictures of friends, no family, nothing.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows. Even with how reserved Lauren seemed, with her vague sense of mystery, Camila found it very hard to believe that Lauren lived in this house with absolutely no one. It was a frightening thought, for Camila.

Camila didn't know what she would do if she didn't have Shawn or Dinah at least as roommates.

Part of the reason she had stayed in such an awful relationship with her last boyfriend was because of her desire to be with someone. She couldn't stand the thought of being alone.

Camila loved company and she loved being able to talk to people who genuinely cared.

She knew she wasn't the easiest person to be around and that she had her stubborn, annoying moments.

But Lauren? She seemed...perfect.

Besides the slightly intimidating aura from her beauty and success, there was nothing about her that could scare anyone off. Lauren was practically flawless.

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