Never Look Back

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It had been a long time since Camila took a walk down the concrete sidewalks of New York City.

Camila had willingly allowed herself to become locked up inside the large home. The sexual bliss that followed Lauren's decision to collar her overtook Camila's desire to communicate with the outside world.

Camila had wondered from the day she signed her contract how it would feel to belong to Lauren, officially. And now she had that.

By the clasp of a necklace, everything changed. Suddenly it wasn't Mistress anymore, it was Lauren. The feeling of their connection coursed through her deeply and caused her to become overwhelmed with happiness.

Camila just wondered what would happen now.

It had been a couple of weeks, and Camila had yet to even see Lauren to discuss the new...formalities of her collaring. Lauren had become busy again with investors and her business, and so their time had been very limited together.

However there were little things that started to become more significant.

Now, more than often Camila would pass by Lauren in morning time, and she'd have short conversation with her, while offering her breakfast or a cup of coffee. Lauren would even tell Camila to have a good day and touch her arm or shoulder as she strolled out of the door.

Camila loved it.

Camila had taken the time while Lauren was locked up in her office to do some research on her own laptop.

Camila was very curious as to why she was so hung up on being collared, and why she felt strangely attached to the idea of being a full-time sub. Camila wondered why she was suddenly enveloped by the feeling of being complete when the collar was around her neck. It was as if...everything finally made sense.

The internet told her, that she had become immersed in her role as a submissive. Her body and her brain aligned with one another and had apparently formed the conclusion that her purpose was to belong to Lauren.

Camila was thinking about Lauren constantly. Camila thought about Lauren being inside of her body. She thought about serving her. Camila was head over heels at the thought of having her collar on all the time, of being proclaimed Lauren's property.

Camila wondered if that was unusual. Despite the musings of the ever so reliable Internet, she wondered if it was normal for a submissive to be so attached to her role.

Camila felt alive when it came to any type of contact with Lauren, and the lack of instruction given to her only spurred her withdrawal, especially after crossing over to an entirely new territory with Lauren. She was absolutely dying.

She needed guidelines; she needed her Mistr - Lauren, to tell her how to move forward.

She was ready to serve her.

And yet she still felt pressure upon her, because she was still so inexperienced. Although Lauren felt like Camila could and would be the best submissive to ever come into Lauren's life...she was still nervous - scared.

At this point, the thought of disappointing Lauren after being deemed so special, terrified her.

Camila had always been afraid of making mistakes and she always wanted things too much.

It was the perfect recipe for disaster.

Clearing her head of her tumultuous thoughts, the brunette stomped through the crowd of New York natives, and tourists. Checking the time on her ancient phone she entertained the idea of finding coffee. She couldn't spend too much time for the sake of being on time to her destination.

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