Dads Can Be Dicks

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Chapter 20

"Hey sky, I'm just calling for a few things. One to check up on you and two because I have the body of the shadow creature that was inside Luke. Call back whenever you get the chance. Thanks, bye," I heard the doctor say as I listened to the voicemail. "Boo. Listen to this," I said tossing him my phone. He caught it as he continued to bounce Delilah on his knee and listened to it. "We need to go to the infirmary now," he said, curiosity filling his face. "No we don't. You've got paperwork to do and I need to straighten up the house. We can't just drop everything and go," I said taking Delilah and setting her in her playpen. "Fine but as soon as we're done, we're going to the infirmary," he said standing up and hugging me as he grabbed my ass. "Go do your paperwork," I said and chuckled. He went into his office and left the door slightly open in the process. I proceeded to the kitchen and filled the sink to do the dishes. Playing music, I danced around the kitchen to finish the several chores that I needed to do before we left. "Babe I'm done!" I called to him as I sat on the couch and picked up Delilah. "Momma okay?" She asked as she patted my thighs with her small hands. "Mommas okay baby girl," I said and kissed her head. "Wha bout uncle Thomas?" She asked almost innocently. "What about him?" I asked "daddy hit him and argued Wiff him. Then I saw yew being pushed on a weely bed wiff wires and stuff," she said in her innocent voice. "Daddy didn't know I was set doe," she added and smiled. "I'm sorry you had to see that honey," I said and hissed the top of her head. "I wanna grow up to be big and strong like daddy," she said flexing her arms "yes you do," Luke said from behind me. "You're on my shit list," I said as he kissed the top of my head. "Um, why?" He asked as I stood up. "Does t matter right now. Let's go," I said as I put Delilah in my mothers arms. "We'll be back mom," I said as we walked outside.

"I wonder how far along I am," I said as I stroked my prudent stomach. "Three months," Luke said as he smiled. "What? How do you know?" I asked as I looked at him. "The demon told me. I also know the day he was conceived. Our honey moon," he said smiling bigger. "He?" I asked as he looked at me. "He," he confirmed as I began to feel nauseous. "Gotta puke!" I yelled as I ran into the infirmary and to the closest bathroom. "Oh god baby that was great!" Luke said as he laughed hard "I haven't seen you run that fast ever," he said as he continued to laugh. "Shut up," I groaned before I puked again. "Forgetting who put me into this situation," I said and he shut up. "Let's go," I said as I opened the door and saw him trying not to laugh. We entered the room and saw the doctor looking over a book as the body rested on a table and was covered by a sheet. "Oh hey guys you're here!" He said as he wandered tword us and brought us tword the body. "So the body was recovered but I'm not sure who he is," he continues as he uncovered the body. The look on Luke's face immediately sunk "God damnit," he mumbled under his breath. "Do you know who he is?" I asked as he combed his hair with his fingers. "I thought he was dead. I killed him myself. It's Jason," he said as he sat down and put his head in his hands. "Who's Jason?" I asked curiously "my father. I killed him. He was human, he must have had someone bring him back," Luke said. "Not possible. I'm the only doctor ever to be able to turn anyone into a shadown creature or bring them back in any other way. So he was born like this," the doctor said matter of factly. "I better not have any of those genes!" Luke said disgusted as he looked at the body. "It's highly doubtful. You would have noticed changes by now," the doctor said as he flipped through pages in a book. "Would ou guys mind holding him down while I make sure he's dead?" He asked as he grabbed a knife. "How do you make sure he's dead?" Luke asked "you dip a knife into the blood of a dead man and stab him in the heart," he said and me and Luke held him down. "just any old blood?" Luke asked as a shove ran through my body. "The blood of a holy man," the doctor said as we nodded. He held the dripping knife above the body and violently brought it down with force. The body thrashed and screams filled the room, then almost instantly the body grew silent and limp once more.

"This should do it," Luke said as he threw the match onto the body. "Lets go home babe," he said as he grabbed my hand. "So why am I on your shit list exactly? You didn't explain that earlier," Luke asked me. "Our beautiful little daughter witnessed her father beat up uncle Thomas," I said as I gave him a dirty look. "In my defense I thought she was gone," he said as he put up his hands in surrender. I suddnly got a tingly sensation all throught my body and I fell to the dirt. "Baby you're changing," Luke said as I smiled.


This chapter was deleted so I tried my best to rewrite it...

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