The Secret

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Chapter 15


<Luke's pov>

"Alright ladies and gentle men!" I yelled over them as the hot sun was washing over us. "Attack!" I yelled and everyone hid. The island was silent, dead and creepily silent. 'Luke! Help me!' Sky's sweet and surprisingly off voice appeared in my head. Must be begging for help on the last note but I don't know if she sounded panicked or calm. "Hey Luke you you okay? You look worried" Thomas said surprising me making me jump. "Yeah its just Sky and her mind link. Last one she said sounded different like the tone she used was odd," I replied "well where is sh-" he was interrupted by a piercing scream. "Sky," I breathed and mind linked with he 'Baby where are you?' I sent frantically now, trying to locate my wife. 'Help me. Last note," she sent and I couldn't send or receive any more. She must have passed out. "Move," I yelled at Thomas and turned into a wolf as i sprinted in the direction of the last note. I followed her scent to the area that she was in. 'Sky!" I thought to myself while following the scent of blood and silver also another oddly familiar scent. 'Shit!' I growled silently to myself then sprinted toward her. Suddenly the mind link was back and I hear another scream. 'baby it's gunna be okay I've got you close I'm going to help you angel! I promise,' I sent and heard crying. I sprint and see Sky ahead of me laying in a puddle of blood with an arrow sticking at an odd angle out of her shoulder as she struggled against it in pain. I turned human and approached her rapidly "grace. baby it's okay! I've got you now," I said and tried to pick her up. She screamed loudly again and started bawling harder "get it out! get it out now!" she begged me as I set her on the ground and sat next to her. "Please," she whispered looking at me with hurt in her eyes. "Im going to make this quick baby, okay?" I said gripping the arrow in my hand and hesitated. She started bawling, when I suddenly noticed all the color drain from her face as I gripped the arrow tighter. "Baby i don't want to hurt you," i said quietly as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. "Luke please!" she begged still crying. I grabbed the arrow and ripped it from her shoulder, making her bleed out more and quicker. She looked up at me with a blank expression as she turned white as a ghost. "Sky stay with me please don't go, I need you baby." I said as I picked her up, getting covered in her sticky blood. I held her tight to my body and flew her to the infirmary. "doctor!" I bellowed as I walked into the building. He sprinted around the corner and the color drained from his face as well. "OR room now!" he yelled while pointing to the operating room. I rushed inside and set her on the operating table as he put an oxygen mask on her, an IV into her arm, cut open her shirt, and grabbed his tools. "put these on!" he yelled as he tossed me shorts in which I slipped on. "you know don't you doc?" I asked as nurses came in to help him. "yes. now Luke you're going to have to trust me, I can help your wife." he said looking at me and pushing me into the hall way. "you're going to have to have patience" he said and closed the door in my face. "Dammit!" I yelled and punched the wall. Shayla came running in the front doors "what happened!" she asked me. "Sky got shot," I accidentally yelled, obviously angry. "Who ever did this, I will hunt them down and put their head on a stick!" I yelled fuming as i punched the wall again, leaving a hole. "do you know who could have done it?" she asked, barley whispering. "Dunno," I said and threw the arrow on the ground. Thomas came running in looking as white as sky "Luke what happened!" he asked frantically. "Sky got shot," I said through closed teeth trying not to punch the wall or yell. "Calm down Luke," Thomas said, putting his hands up in surrender. "do you know who shot her?" he asked looking at me with his hands still in the air. "No, nobody was there besides me and her," i said now taking into account who could have shot her. I didn't think about the possibilities before, I punched the wall again and put my hands at my side still balled into fists. I heard a shrill shriek and turned to see my red eyed, brown haired baby girl cowering behind Thomas' leg as she gripped his pant leg tight. My shoulders slumped slightly as I unballed my fists and looked at the ground. "I am a monster," I whispered and sat down. Sky's mother came and grabbed Delilah and brought her home as time went on. "Luke please try and calm down," Thonas said to me once Delilah was gone. "You have no idea what thoughts are running through my head Thomas!" I yelled as I picked him up by the collar of his t-shirt. "No I don't but if you would fucking put me down you could explain!" he yelled at me. "I can't explain," I said through closed teeth. I heard someone gasp behind be and I turned around to see a nurse standing behind me. "I came to get more gauze because she's bleeding through all of it. The doctor found a remedy to get her to stop bleeding but it will take her wolf away," she said fumbling through the cabinets and grabbing a handful of gauze. "Do what ever it takes to make her healthy and alive," I said putting Thomas back on the ground. The nurse left and Thomas looked at me "do you think someone meant to kill her?" Taylor asked quietly. "Don't say that," I mumbled "well I want to help you find who ever did this Luke," he said. I sat down and waited for anyone to come out of the room "I'm sorry Thomas, for earlier. I didn't mean to," I said looking at him. "It's okay. I just want you happy and you just don't seem to be having a lucky streak lately," he said. I smiled awkwardly when he said the words I dreaded "do you think it was Ben?" He asked quietly. "I wasn't paying attention to scent but that's the only person who's holding any kind of grudge against me so," I stated. "What am I going to do." I said putting my head in my hands. "We need to attack. It's about time we kill the fucker once and for all," Thomas said and I nodded in agreement. "We will leave in the morning to attack. I can't let this slide. Once we know Sky is okay and once she wakes up we will leave," i stated. "just don't tell her. i don't want her worrying or anything. I want her to try and rest," I said as the doctor walked out of the room. I stood up immediately "how is she?" I asked. "She's stable. I wasn't able to keep her wolf tho. That was long gone from the arrow," he said "but she is alright. In the future if she wants to be part wolf once again then you can mark her but until then she's just vampire," he finished. "Doctor," I breathed with a sudden realization of Sky's current condition "what about the baby?"



~Jackie xoxo

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