Practice Drills

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Chapter 14


I woke up to empty bed sheets. "Luke?" I asked and checked the clock. Noon. Damn I slept in late. I got up and went downstairs "mommy!" Delilah yelled and floated toward me "hey baby girl. How are you?" I asked, catching her and spinning around. "Good!" She yelled then flew away. I knocked on shaylas door "come in!" She yelled. I stepped in and looked around her room "going to practice today!" She squealed "got a tree stand made and I'm gunna go sit there," she smiled. "Oh yeah happy birthday, by the way," I smiled before turning around "how old are you turning?" I asked "16," she replied smiling happily. I smiled in return and left my room to go get something. I headed back to her room with the object "here," I said giving her my very first bow and homemade arrows with silver tips "can't use it anymore so I figured you could have it," I said as she looked at me surprised and gently picked up the bow "thank you," she said hugging me. I smiled and hugged her back "you're welcome," I said and left her room as she headed outside and I went to go get something to eat. I got out some poptarts and watched Delilah and Andy play in the living room. I smiled as they shared building blocks and she chewed on one. "Shower time," I mumbled as I threw away my wrapper. I walked upstairs and stripped of my cloths, looking at my reflection in the mirror and saw some love bites on my neck and I smiled while running my fingers softly over them. I got into the shower and scrubbed my body clean. I wonder where Luke went. I thought curiously to myself then I mentally face palmed. I forgot I could mind link with him 'hey baby cakes where did you go?' I said my voice appearing in his head. 'doin pack stuff. All good angel,' he said back. I smiled and continued my shower. The warm water made me feel faint and nauseous so I got out quickly and threw up. I got dressed and decided to go and visit Lilly and Max to see how they were doing. I got dressed and jogged outside, then flew to the infirmary. "Hey doc! is Lilly still in the same room?" I asked entering the infirmary. He nodded and I went in as he continued his book. He always has a strange blue box in the corner of his room, weird. I entered the room to see Lilly smiling and Max holding her hand. "How are you doing?" I asked Lilly as she looked up at me. "Me and her are doing fine," she smiled at me. I smiled back and looked down, still thinking "any names for her?" I asked walking over and taking a seat next to her bed. "Sierra Sky," he said smiling and kissing Lilly's head. I smiled "naming her after you," she said making me smile even more. "Sky can I see you out here for a moment?" The doctor asked, motioning me into the hall. "Do you know why I'm calling you out here?" he asked looking at me. 'Sky were practicing emergency drills. Need you here,' Luke's voice appeared in my head. "Sorry doc. Gotta go do drills," I said and sprinted to the doors. "Tell me later!" I said springing out the door "wait Sky!" he yelled but I kept running.

'Where are you?' I mind linked with Luke. 'North side of the island. stop by the house first and grab rope and my survival knife,' he asked 'fineeee' I replied smiling and running toward home. 'I love you baby cakes,' he said 'I love you too boo-bear' I said and entered the house. I checked his office where the stuff would be but instead I found a note.

'Hey Sky

If you're reading this it's probably because I told you to grab something for me. Now while I'm out doing drills you'll be searching for clues. I love you so much angel, and you know I want what's best for our family. The clue is quite a um happy memory ;) go to the place where Del was made.

Love, your boo'

I smiled mentally at the note. Gotham street is far away from my house so Ben won't suspect me being there. I walked outside and flew to New York arriving in 15 minutes. I flew to Gotham street, it was quite chilly so I kept close to myself. Stepping through the snow, I arrived at the area where Del was made. There was a bright orange note taped to a tree.

'Hey baby,

Second note I see :3 you're quite clever but it's not gunna be that easy now. Ill stick to easy ones at first but gradually they will get harder. Next hint!!! Go to the place where we loved after our wedding.

Love, your boo'

I smiled big this time and flew to the resort we stayed in. Where would the note be? In the room, pool, heck even on that boat. He's that silly and that stubborn, he would do that. "Um ma'am do you happen to be Sky?" the lady at the counter asked. She was short and had red hair that came to about her shoulders. She looked to be in about her mid 30's. "depends on who's asking," I said suspiciously. "I am by the way," I said trying not to be rude. "I have a note from someone named Luke," she said while smiling and handing me the note.

'Sky, my love!

Third note, tehehe ;) you enjoying this or what?! :D I know you're just DYING for the next clue well I shouldn't give it to you, not till you give me a kiss. Come on? Just one please? Aww thank you, I love you too. Well here's the next clue. This is a riddle, HA so smart! The next note is where we marked!

Love, your boo'

"Where we marked?" I silently asked myself."What was that ma'am" the lady asked "oh uh nothing. Just talking to myself," I stated smiling and walked outside of the resort. Where we marked, oh I remember now! I flew to Alabama and saw the broken apart apartment where me and Luke lived before Florida. I walked inside and it was covered in dust and was dark and creepy. I ran my hand against the claw marks I made on the wall when I was fighting Ben. I walked to mine and Luke's old room and slowly opened the creaky old door. I looked around and saw a bright yellow note taped above our old bed. I slowly walked over and grabbed it off the wall and read it.

'Dear princess,

Only one more note baby, until you find out what this is about. Now please don't hurt me when you find out because I've known for a little while. The last note is on the south side of the island where we did our first drills. It's in the exact spot baby. So be on the look out for a bright blue card. I love you angel <3

Love, your boo'

I smiled but wondered what the secret is. I flew back to the island and walked to the south side. I looked through the trees for what seemed like hours. I checked my phone, 5 pm. Damn, I want to be able to find that damn card and find out that secret already. I looked around in the trees for a few more minutes, when I was about to give up I saw a bright blue card on a tree about 20 feet away. I sprinted to it and picked it up, suddenly I realized the island was dead quiet. Oh no, I heard the rambling of someone grabbing an arrow behind me. My dream, it's becoming all to real. 'Luke! Help me!' I mind linked with him. I heard a faint clicking along with a pulling noise. This is it, I'm going to die today. I stayed still, where was Luke? He's supposed to be here helping me! I headed a sudden snap, I turned around and got shot in the shoulder. I let out a piercing scream making any bird around me get scared and fly away. I heard talking in the distance 'baby where are you?' I heard Luke's voice appear in my head. 'Help me. Last note,' I weakly replied before I fell faint.



Dats bad doe ;3

~Jackie xoxo

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