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A/N: You know what's about to happen (clue's in the gif)... :'(

Jasmine woke up with an acute pain in her head. She sat up and looked around. That's when she notice everyone from the plane getting out. She immediately ran to it and jumped onto Charles. He realised who it was and hugged her.

"I thought you were," Charles whispered "I thought- I didn't..."

"It's fine, Charles. I'm fine,"  she replied "Let's get this over with."

"Are you sure you can fight?"

"Yes, perfectly sure."

Jasmine decided to follow Erik into the submarine to find Shaw, despite Charles' protests. Together, they made their way into the sub.

"Make your way to the middle of the vessel," Charles instructed "That's the point my mind can't penetrate. We have to assume that that's where Shaw is."

They did exactly that, but Shaw was nowhere to be found. 

"He's not here, Charles. Shaw's not here," Erik stated, clearly very angry.

"Has he left the sub?" Jasmine asked.

"No, he has to be there," Charles replied "There's nowhere else he can be. Keep looking."

"And I'm telling you he's not. There's no one here, goddamnit!" Erik shouted.

Jasmine's eyes landed on the painting across the room, it was opening. Standing just a few feet in front of her was Shaw. 

"Erik," she said in a quiet voice. Erik turned and saw Shaw.

"Jasmine, Erik, what a pleasant surprise," Shaw greeted. 

'Jasmine. Jasmine?' Charles said in Jasmine's head.

'Charles, Shaw's right in front of us,' she replied.

"So good to see you again," Shaw told them.

"Erik," Jasmine said again when she saw him walking towards Shaw. Of course, Erik ignored her and continued forward.

'Charles, Erik's going to Shaw. What should I do?' Jasmine frantically asked. 

'Follow him. Erik can't go alone,' he replied.

Jasmine cautiously followed Erik into the blue room. There was glass covering the walls. Shaw was standing in the middle, grinning menacingly.

"May I ask you something?" Shaw asked.

"You already have," Jasmine muttered under her breathe, catching Shaw's attention. He smiled at her but turned his attention back to Erik.

"Why are you on their side?" Shaw asked "Why fight for a doomed race who will hunt us down as soon as they realise their reign is coming to an end?"

Erik punched Shaw, but retracted his hand in pain. Shaw's head jerked to the side, but somehow he wasn't hurt. He looked as though he had multiple heads but then they combined into one again.

"I'm sorry for what happened in the camps," Shaw said "I truly am."

Shaw touched Erik's forehead with his pointer finger, sending Erik backwards. He smashed the glass wall and fell to the ground. Jasmine quickly rushed to his side.

'Jasmine. Whatever Erik's doing, it's working. I can communicate with you,' Charles' voice sounded in her head.

"But everything I did, I did for you," Shaw continued "To unlock your power. To make you embrace it."

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