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A/N: By the gif at the top, you can guess what the two will be doing. Playing Chinese checkers, duh. I'm kidding... All of their built-up feelings for each other are released in this chapter! BTW, that isn't Alicia Vikander. Just imagine it is! Also, this is a fetus James, ignore that! Okie byeee!!


knock, knock.

"Come in," Charles called from inside. Jasmine opened the door and saw Charles sitting on the edge of his bed. He smiled and she gladly returned it.

"So, how am I going to strengthen my powers and why have I brought my sketchbook?" Jasmine asked.

"You, my dear, will become invisible," Charles told her as she sat down beside him.

"But I need to be scared to do that."

"No, you don't. I'm going to teach you how to become invisible whenever you want," he continued "I think that if you're calm enough, you'll do that. Hence why you have your notebook and pencil."

Jasmine said nothing.

"When you draw, do you feel at peace?" Jasmine nodded "Exactly! True focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity. If you draw, becoming invisible will come naturally. I want you to draw anything."

Jasmine opened up her sketchbook to a new page and began to draw. She drew a face, then the hair, then one by one, she drew the facial features. Charles watched the pencil make contact with the paper. He started to laugh when he couldn't see Jasmine anymore. She's done it, he was right. He then looked at the paper again. It was him. Jasmine had drawn Charles. She stopped once she was finished and reappeared again. 

The two telepaths looked at each other, lost in each other's eyes. Slowly, they leaned forward until they could feel the other's breathe on their face. In the blink of an eye, their lips were connected. It was a slow but warm kiss. Gradually, their lips moved in sync with each other. All of their built-up emotions were being let out through this kiss. 

After what seemed like an eternity, the two finally broke away and caught their breathe. They looked at each other once more, not saying anything. Charles began to laugh, causing Jasmine to do the same. 

"Remind me to have you train in my room more often," Charles finally said.

"Will do," she replied "What happens now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Where do we go from this?"

"I think that we're now a 'couple,' as the younger generation put it," Charles chuckled, again "I like the sound of that." 

"Me too," Jasmine yawned "I'm getting quite tired, I think I'll go back to my room."

"You can sleep here if you'd like."

"Easy, tiger," Jasmine giggled at his forwardness.

"Maybe next time, then?"

"Oh, there's a next time?" Jasmine asked, making Charles give her a smirk "Ok, next time."

Jasmine walked out and closed the door. She saw Erik down the hall, looking straight back at her with a smirk on his face. He clearly knew something had happened but chose not to say anything. He walked into his own room, shutting the door. Jasmine sighed and did the same. She got dressed for bed and went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be interesting. 



Aloha, my lovely readers! Is anyone reading this story, actually? If you are, say hello in the comments? 

I'll give you a little hint on the storyline for the next book... YES, there WILL be another book (two actually) ...

Jasmine and Charles' relationship develops after the battle. Charles realises he needs Jasmine and so their love begins to blossom. That's all you're getting, for now. Okieeee byyye <3

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