twenty six:::

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[ time will pass, will you? ]

"How do you treat pancreatic divisum, Izzie?" Cristina read from a card.

"Ugh Cristina," Izzie sighed, "If you're not gonna let us sleep, at least let me fill my cup with coffee."

"Fine go," Cristina gestured, "No one's stopping you."

"Eh, I'm too tried to," Izzie sat down.

"Dorsal duct sphincterotomy," Alex answered.

"Not your turn but correct," Cristina said.

"You do me," Cristina handed the card to Alex.

"No thanks," he smirked.

Cristina rolled her eyes, "Just ask me a question."

"George's missing this," Alex said, "How's he gonna be ready for this?"

"Yeah, he's living it up in his fancy hotel with his rich wife," I sighed, "We have Callie's cards, but George has Callie."

"What's the most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients?" Alex asked.

"Rotavirus. No, no, no. Uh, salmonella," Cristina answered.

"The most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients is C.Diff which can lead to toxic megacolon, perforation, sepsis and death," Meredith answered for her.

"God, I'm gonna fail," I groaned, and laid my head down on the table.

"Don't say that, we're all gonna do fine," Meredith said.

"Hey, Brandy," Cristina said, "Yesterday George said something about a boyfriend?"

"Oh right," I muttered, "George's bad at keeping secrets."

"An attending?" Cristina raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe," I looked to the side.

"Who?" Cristina furrowed her eyes.

"Uh well," I ran a hand over my neck, "He's not really my boyfriend. No he's not my boyfriend. We had a fling going, I guess you could say, but I called it off."

"Who?" Cristina asked again.

"Uh, well," I bit my lip.

"George said he was in the run for chief, you aren't sleeping with Burke or Shepherd are you?" Alex asked.

"No! No. No way," I shook my head.

"So Sloan. Not surprising," Alex shrugged.

"Uh, no, that's not-no," I stuttered, lost for words.

"McSteamy?" Cristina grinned, "Now why would you call that off. He makes my ovaries explode just thinking about him."

"Kinda a whorey asshole though," Izzie added.

"It got messy okay? Now I don't wanna talk about it anymore we have the most important exam of our lives to focus on. And Mer you better not say anything to Derek, he wouldn't be happy."

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now