thirty eight:::

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[ a night to remember ]

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I set my bag down.

"I came up to help your grandma finish moving," She told me, "Your grandma said you'd be home earlier tonight. It's after 12. Ian and your grandmother were wanting to eat dinner with you."

"Ian's here too? But I didn't realize you were coming up, I was out with some friends."

"Brandy, you're not a teenager anymore. You can't just stay out with your friends all night," She crossed her arms, "You're a doctor now. Why don't you act like it?"

"You're right mom. I'm no longer a teenager. I am an adult. I am a doctor. So you have no right to tell me what I can and can't do anymore. I'm old enough to make my own choices, decide what's best for me. If I want to go out with my friends and have fun, then I can. I'm tired of you bossing me around and acting like you care." I told her off before I walked down stairs.

"Brandy Joan Dixon," my mom called after me.

I ignored her and slammed the door to my room shut and made sure to lock it.


"What's got you so upset?" Mark asked me the next morning, as I sat on the couch with him at Cristina's and Callie's.

"Sarah," I rolled my eyes.

"Who's Sarah?" He asked.

"The bitchiest of bitches," I slumped down in the couch.

"Still don't know who that is. Yang what is she talking about?" He asked.

"Beats me," She shrugged, through a mouth full of eggs.

"Thank you," Hunt smiled, as Callie handed him a plate.

"Sarah is my mom, even though she really doesn't act like a mom, she's my mom. Whatever, forget it. Let's talk about something else."

"Oh, Arizona's birthday is on Friday," Callie said, "I don't know what I should do for her."

"Bring her to the zoo," I shrugged.

"Arizona's not turning 5," Cristina reminded me, "Just go to the bar and get some drinks or something."

"You could throw her a party. A surprise party," I suggested.

"Woah, woah. Bad idea. Not a surprise party, they're hostile. People hiding in the dark, jumping out at you and screaming at you," Mark shook his head, "They never come to any good."

"Damn, who hurt you?" I asked.

"No, that's a great idea. Surprise party. Arizona would love it. You know she's all fun and spontaneous, right?" Callie asked, "I mean she's my girlfriend I have to do something for her party.



Hunt and Cristina said at the same time.

"Yes you do. Don't listen to party pooper, throw her a party," I said.

"I will," Callie nodded, "I will."

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now