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Hey guys, sorry to start this chapter off with me talking to you but I'm introducing something cool this chapter, well at least I think it's kinda cool. Anyway I don't know about y'all but I like listening to music while I read so I'm gonna attach a link for the song(s) for each chapter and whenever you see this symbol, ⌲, that means to play the song. If you don't like to read and listen to music at the same time, then you can just ignore them. Thanks guys, enjoy! And please let me know what you think of this or if you have any suggestions! :)

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I had been working at the hospital for almost a month and a half now and it was going great. I had become pretty good friends with some of the interns and everyone at the hospital was really nice. 

"Meredith? George? Izzie?" I called, entering Meredith's house.

George and Izzie had moved in with Meredith, and I occasionally would stop by in the morning before we would go to the hospital since we all carpooled , and when I said occasionally, this is like the second time I've gotten up early enough to stop by.

"George hurry up!" I heard Izzie shout from upstairs, "What are you even doing in there?"

I went upstairs and saw Izzie leaning against the bathroom door, "George honestly, what the hell are you doing?"

"Uhm it's private," George said, with a hint of embarrassment 

"Oh, oh god, uh, I'm sorry, take your time!" Izzie said, a little disgusted.

"George, do you really think this is the time to do that?" I asked.

"It's not, no I'm not doing that!" George yelled.

"George it's okay it's healthy," Izzie said.

"I have a girlfriend!" George shouted.

"George I think imaginary friends are for like five year olds," I said, "But I mean, whatever makes you happy."

"She's real!" he shouted.

"Okay, well I need to borrow Meredith's flat iron, and my hair already takes long enough with out George being a little shit," I said, taking a bobby pin out of my purse.

"What are you doing with that?" Izzie asked.

"Picking the lock," I said.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Izzie asked.

"I grew up with three brothers who were always causing some sort of trouble," I said, unbending the bobby pin.

As I opened the door I heard a loud, high-pitched scream. In response, I screamed.

George was sitting on the toilet seat, naked, reading a magazine.

"George what the fuck is wrong with your penis!" I screamed.

Izzie walked in and laughed. "George? Rashes, Hives, and Skin Eruptions?" She read off the magazine, George was holding to his crotch.

"What the hell is happening?" Meredith  asked, walking into the bathroom.

"George has a sick dick!" I shouted.


"George you're in for a treat, I have loads of STD jokes," I said popping bread into the toaster.

George groaned and let his head fall down on the table.

"George do you know whats worse than lobsters on your piano? Crabs on your organs!" I said, pouring the last of the milk into my bowl with cereal, "Hey Mer, you're gonna need more milk."

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now