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EDIT: Okay so the first few chapters of this book are absolute trash, but if you read a little further it gets better. I'm too lazy to rewrite it so just bear with me please. Thanks and enjoy!


I opened my eyes as I heard the loud beeping of my alarm. I was awake but I didn't feel fully conscious yet. I laid in my bed with one of legs outstretched out of my covers and hanging over the edge of the bed. All I did was lay there not wanting to move. I felt frozen, staring at the blank ceiling.

My alarm was still blaring an obnoxious tune and my body still felt frozen like I was glued to my bed, like some weird kink or something, (which I totally am not into, okay well, actually no, that sounds horrible, gluey sex, no thanks). I moved my head to the left looking at the noisy little clock, 5:32 am. Yuck. I should be waking up at least seven hours from now.

I decided I could allow myself to enjoy a few more minutes under the warm, comfy, sheets, as I wouldn't be back in them for at least another two days. I knew it was a horrible idea to stay in bed for much longer, I couldn't afford to be late on my first day of my internship, it would make a horrible impression and I could jeopardize the little respect I got as an intern.

I rolled out from under the sheets. I slipped off my t-shirt and spent a lengthy ten minutes trying to decide what bra to put on.

"Does it really matter, it's just a fucking bra!" I thought to myself, "But I wanna be comfy, I could be in it awhile, but I'll be the only one to see it so it doesn't matter unless I have sex with someone, but having sex with someone at work, bad idea, that's a definite no, not even a relationship with anyone, strictly professional, you know that, but like anything will happen on the first day anyway. God, I'm totally over thinking this."

I finally decided to settle with my black bralette. It made my boobs look perky, but nothing too showy.

"Shit," I mumbled quietly to myself.

If I took that long to pick out a bra, how long will it take to choose an entire outfit. I knew I should've figured this out last night instead of watching those extra couple episodes of The Office, it's just so addicting, it's like heroin, well maybe not heroin, maybe more like pot or something.

Finally I had chosen an outfit, but it was already 5:57.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I shouted, getting louder with every word.

I threw on my clothes and rushed into the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. I spit the bubbly paste into the sink. I turned on the faucet and waited until all the foam circled down the drain. I looked at my hair in the mirror. My thick, curly, blonde, hair was always a mess.

"Ugh, I don't have any time to straighten it, stupid bra shenanigans."

I threw my hair up into a ponytail, and put in a headband.

"That'll have to do," I sighed.

I quickly slapped on some mascara and eyeliner. I wasn't much of a makeup girl, I never really liked makeup or was very good at it. Makeup just seemed like too much work and I hated the feeling of being covered in powders and all sorts of other crap.

Finally at 6:37, I was ready. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed my stuff. I looked into the living room and saw my grandma was up.

"Oh, hi grandma. It's a little bit early for you, I didn't wake you up did I? And I'm sorry I don't have time to make breakfast for you."

"Oh nonsense, I hired Julie to help out, she's coming over at 7:00, she'll make stuff for me and grandpa."

"I know but the whole point of me moving to Seattle, was to help you guys, I didn't give up my internship at the mayo for nothing Grandma. You shouldn't have to hire someone."

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now