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"How are you?" she asked me.

"What do you want?" I asked, brushing off her question.

"I just want to talk, see how you're doing," she paused, "I've got some news."

"What," my eyes were closed and I had my hand held up to the bridge of my nose. 

"Stephen and I are getting married!" 

"Who the hell is Stephen? I thought you were married to that rich, fat guy, uh, Chuck."

"We divorced a while ago."

"Right, so I'm assuming that you'll be divorcing Stephen as well? It's a common theme with you. So what does Stephen do? Is he an anesthesiologist or something? You're marrying him for his money right? It's what you did with fat Chuck," I stopped, "Dad."

"I'm not marrying the man for the damn money, and he's a pharmacist."

I laughed, "Of course he is. So what's gonna be your excuse for divorcing him this time?"

"Brandy, are you still on his side with this? This was over 10 years ago, it's in the past, I want you to move on from this. You and I, we had a great relationship." 

"Mom, you accused dad of something he didn't do,  and that's right we had a great relationship. I have to go it's late here and I have work tomorrow. Mom I gave up everything to help with your parents, while you sit on your ass. It should be you here not me, that's what kids do for their parents, they take care of them. That's what parents do for their kids." I ended the call and sat down on the bed. 

I looked at the clock, 12:27 am. Work will be fun tomorrow.


I walked into the hospital and towards the locker room. As I got closer to the locker room, I saw Alex, Izzie, George, Christina, and Meredith crowding around the nurse's station. I made my way over to them to see what was up.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked,  walking up to them.

"That," Izzie said pointing to the red haired woman from yesterday morning, I noticed now that she was dressed in dark blue scrubs and was wearing a scrub cap.

"Wait that's McDreamy's Wife, why is she in scrubs?" I asked, "Why is she even still here?"

"Dude she's hot, she can stay as long as she want," Alex said, "She's McHottie."

I glared over at him with him with knit brows, I swung the back of my hand into his chest.

"Oww," he whined, "What was that for!?"

I saw Meredith looked upset.

"It's fine Mer," George said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "She's not even that hot."

"Yeah, she's really not, and you know she cheated on Derek, with his best friend! I'm sure Derek's never even thinking about either one of them again. He's probably thinking about how bad he screwed up with you and how he's gonna make things right with you." I reassured her.

"I'm sure," Meredith said, sounding no more than sarcastic, "I mean why would he be thinking of his tall, beautiful, wife, instead of his girlfriend."

"Mer come on, don't be so hard on yourself, you'll work this out," she said, walking away with Alex.

I looked over at Christina who had been oddly quiet, "Christina, you okay?"

"I'm fine," She grunted, then walked off.

"What's her problem?" George asked.

"I don't know, I'm gonna be late for rounds, I gotta go," I said, then walked off to the locker room.

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now