Ceaseless Night-Terrors

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In my opinion, Bella had a strange beauty surrounding her like an aura. And aura that made everyone that kept her company be pulled towards her by some invisible force. Her creamy white skin flawless of blemishes and acne, her hair a deep and rich brown color that matched her chocolate eyes and stood out against her skin. Her face was heart-shaped and her lips were plump and always being bitten on. Her clumsiness, while to her it was an absolute nightmare, to others they found it cute. But with her beauty came a problem. And that was the fact that her beauty, her personality, everything she did attracted danger.

But there was something strange with Bella. And not my kind of strange or Dorian's kind of strange---as in when you see dead people regularly and human memories frequently or when you actually are dead, no, the weird thing about her was actually something common between normal teenagers.

She loved danger.

In my head, I categorized her love for dangerous things as a way of escape. While I yearned for some normalcy in my life she dreaded it. And moving to Forks wasn't the best idea, considering nothing happens here. But I stand corrected, Edward Cullen and his family happened, and she was immediately attracted in like a moth drawn to a flame. She loved their supernatural world; it was an escape from the ordinary and boring life she sported. She loved everything about it, like an addict unwilling to quit. And I knew that she wanted to be a part of it. She longed to have what they have and in order for that to happen, all it would take would be a bite and my sister would be gone and in her place, a monster.

But I would be damned if I let that happen.


It was a lake.

A black lake.

But it was so still, so stagnant. It didn't move and it didn't ripple. A dead lake.

The air was calm, but the sickening chill was indefinite. The lake smells of salt and brine. Saltwater lake. Dead lake.

The black murky waters reflected the stars, but when I looked up there was nothing but darkness, no dusty tear falls of stars or hidden messages in constellations, all I could see was a shadow veiling the sky. Then how could the lake see what is so obviously hidden? The answer was simple. It didn't. It was just imagery made to fool.

I sat on the edge of the dock, my legs were almost touching the water but they weren't. They were inches away from the cold. How did I know it was cold? Because the tips of my toes were frozen over, never touching the cold water, but always feeling it.

I sat there, stiffening whenever the fog reached high enough to touch my legs but it never did. I raised an arm to my arm to shake off a chill, but there was no breeze. All around me were trees, bare of leaves and each sharper and pointier than the next. They closed in on the lake like a cage. Trying to keep something in. But who else was here other than me?

As I looked around, all I could see was trees after trees. Nothing else. Where was I? Was I still in Forks? Or is this where fate has unknowingly brought me to finally end the life of Strange Sophie Swan?

As I sat there, an uncomfortable feeling swelled in me. It took me a moment to realize it was fear. But what was I afraid of?

I waited. I waited for something to happen. For the trees to grow large and start coming my way. For the lake to rise up and swallow me into its deepest parts. I waited for the beasts to come out from in-between the branches and start prancing in my direction with the intention of killing and a hunger for blood in their eyes. I waited for the sky to come crashing down upon my fragile form. I waited---for something---anything---to happen.

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