Old Companions P.2

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It was still light outside when I woke. At first, all I could see was Athena's face imprinted on my mind, but then my vision slowly came back, and I as I turned, I saw that my sleep had only lasted two hours. That means Bella was still with Edward and the Cullens. And that means that I was still alone. I sighed as I got up and pushed my hair into a sloppy ponytail, pulling on a sweater over my tank top before going downstairs to the kitchen. I started to grab ingredients for something to ease my mind. My hand grabbed at the items to make tea mechanically, I've done it so many times it's become a routine.

I left the water to boil as I walked upstairs and grabbed my bag, thinking of one particular book I could read. My hand brushes against the slick spine and I grip it as I take it out, my sweaty fingers sliding against the smooth surface. I felt like I was holding the key to a puzzle that I've been seeking its pieces for a very long time. And this piece was by far the biggest one. I walked downstairs once again to check on the water, looking forward to something that could ease the ache in my head.

I was reaching up on tip-toes, trying to get the cups Bella put on the highest cabinet I could never reach. When suddenly a cold arm stretched past me and took the cup with ease, pale and lanky fingers wrapping around the small cup. The hairs on the back of my neck stood as I scrambled away and turned around with a surprised gasp, letting out a breath when I saw Dorian holding the cup in his hand, and no emotions detectable on his face.

For a moment we just stood there, looking each other over. It was almost as if we were memorizing every corner and curve of the other, wishing we could look past the face and see what shacks up in the soul. He was still there, tea-cup in hand and an indefinable expression on his face. At times like this, he looked like me, when I got my blank mask on. It was scary how much he reminded me of myself at the moment.

He suddenly outstretched his hand that was holding the tea-cup towards me, his hair falling in his eyes as he does this. I stare at the cup bewildered, still unable to make sense of the situation. It takes some time for my brain to function and I finally let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. He was here; he was not just a figure of my imagination. He is freakishly tall.

He was still holding the cup towards me, and I still was looking at him surprised. To break the silence he finally spoke.

"You don't want the cup?" he asked and he shook the cup in my face. I finally snapped out of it. That Aspirin pill was affecting me.

"No, I want it. Thank you..." I took the cup and for a brief moment our hands touched, mine was covered by gloves yet I could still feel an icy chill going throughout my body because of his cold skin....or whatever he was.

I retracted my hand and stood there awkwardly, staring at him openly. He bit his lower lip and looked down, unable to think of something to say. But I had plenty.

"You were gone." My voice was solid and emotionless. He looked up briefly and once again bit his bottom lip. I guess it's a habit he does when he's nervous.

"Yes, well...I thought that you might need space after the way you practically ran from me in the library." he shuffled his feet and the atmosphere couldn't get more awkward. I didn't answer what he said, just turned around and started to pour tea into the cup.

"I'd offer you a cup of tea since you Brits seem to live on it, but...well..." I motioned to him and he cracked a small smile, shaking his head softly at me.

"Sit down," I offered, he may not be alive. But technically he still can talk and think so I can't be rude. He sat down opposite me. I took the book and sat across him, softly blowing at the tea to cool it down.

"Why did you think you had to leave for three days?" I asked as I took a sip of the tea but immediately regretted it. It was burning hot.

"Well, I guess I thought you had to think some things over...you were very reluctant in telling me what you know about the Cullens."

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