The Forgotten Friend

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Snow decorated the ground and the trees. A calm had settled over Forks, after a night of heavy snow, quietness had filled in. It has been a week since Sophie first started attending Forks High school, and already she was ready to run away.

everything there was too much. Jessica---although she tried to put in an effort to be nice---gossiped and talked way too much for Sophie's liking. Mike was too much of a flirt, Angela and Eric were too in love to be around, and Lauren was too much of a bitch.

All in all, not people Sophie was ready to be friends with.

Finally, it was Saturday morning, and the entire town was blanketed in white. Sophie had stayed up late watching the snowfall from her window, seeing the forest slowly colour itself in the milky whiteness of the snowflakes. It'd been so long since she'd seen snow, too long.

That night she slept with usual uneasiness, her dreams were never safe from her gruesome memories. They were her constant reminders, telling her that she lived, and Athena didn't.

She woke up with a startled gasp escaping her lips, her forehead drenched in sweat and her limbs aching from the uncomfortable position she'd stayed in the entire night. She cracked her neck and stretched her arms with a painful sigh, staring dazedly at the window opposite her bed, waiting for sleep to escape her. She groaned and fell back on the bed, rubbing her eyes with her palms until black spots began to appear.

She saw that it was nine o'clock, and another groan emitted from her. It was way too early, in her opinion one shouldn't wake up before eleven on a Saturday.

It was abominable.

She got out of her bed's comfort and moved towards the bathroom, grabbing her clothes on the way.

The cold water woke her up faster than any cup of coffee could, and she came out of the shower shivering and teeth chattering. She dressed quickly and brushed her teeth, trying to disentangle her hair by running her paint-covered fingers through her hair. For the life of her, she couldn't get the paint off.

She walked downstairs and quietly walked into the kitchen, seeing Bella and her boyfriend Edward sitting on the table.

Ah, yes, Edward Cullen. The incredibly beautiful man who was dating her sister. Sophie didn't know why, but she steered clear of him. Something told her that she didn't want to be around him.

"Good morning, Sophie." Sophie stared at him blankly before moving past him to open the fridge and bring out the orange juice. She sat down at the table and laid her face against the cool surface, closing her eyes tiredly.

She flinched when a plate was slammed down on the table in front of her and she looked up at Bella's face surprisedly.

"Someone's still asleep." Bella teased with a smile.

Sophie simply dug into the bacon and eggs, stuffing her face so she wouldn't have to make small talk with Edward.

"What are you doing today?" Bella asked her as she sipped her coffee. Sophie glanced at her cup with stuffed cheeks and gave pleading eyes to Bella, who sighed but got up and poured her coffee nonetheless.

"We were hoping you would join us, my family wants to meet you," Edward jumped in and spoke in his languid voice, Sophie chewed thoughtfully and pretended to think about it but inside she was thinking of ways she could weasel out of it.

"I'm actually going out with someone," She spoke at last.

"With who?" Bella asked with a surprised laugh, very much doubting Sophie's alibi.

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