An Annoying Companion And A Terrifying One P. 1

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Life for me was confusing at the moment. I saw the ghost of an eleven-year-old kid named Jeremy yesterday who hadn't been able to pass over, so now he's stuck aimlessly roaming the town of Forks.

I had a confusing and terrifying nightmare the other day about a lady who, from what I can gather and understand, was a monster. If she's real or not, I'm not sure.

There's a family of immortal people, that I think is responsible for the town's body count that has reached double digits.

My sister could possibly be dating an extremely dangerous and vicious man, whose name is Edward Cullen. He's the same person as Edward Mason, who was a seventeen-year-old boy who died from Spanish influenza in Chicago in 1918. From what I saw in a memory that belonged to Edward, he didn't really die, but he came back as something not so human.

Last night I went to the reservation of La Push, where I met a gang of rowdy men---despite their ages, they were all too large in size to be called boys. They all looked the same, with their bleak black hair and russet skins. They seemed the same in size and proportion too, and to top off the likeness, the identical tattoos on their shoulders. On of the boys—Quil—told me a story, a legend of the Quileutes. About men who came to reside on La Push. They had magic residing in their blood and carved upon their skin, and they used it to defend themselves against other tribes who wanted to take their land. Soon after a long and complicated story, Taha Aki, one of the chiefs of the tribe, made his spirit one with the spirit of a wild wolf. Thus, making him able to turn into a wolf at will, stay alive without ageing, and for his children to have the same gift of shapeshifting. Soon after that, a new creature came into the world and their lives, known as a---Cold One.

Quil described it as a beautiful creature, so beautiful that it made you want to give up your very soul to it. Your bones, your soul, your blood. A vampire; the vampire killed one of them in cold blood so they killed him with their wolf forms. They learned much from this pale and cold man, and they took the information in with dread, in fear another one of their kinds would show up and continue the merciless slaughter.

And they were right about their predictions, the vampire's mate, a beautiful and dangerous vampire came to avenge the death of her mate, they recognized her because of her scent. After some difficulties, new men turned into wolves and together they destroyed the vampire lady. After that, the men-only changed into their wolf spirits only when a cold one came nearby. And after generations, a coven came, with more than two vampires. But as it seems, they were not dangerous, and they promised to not harm any humans. They made a treaty with the only wolf pack currently available which consisted of 'Ephraim Black, Levi Uley, and Quil Ateara II.'

They stuck to their words, and even after so many years, they haven't harmed a single human. And now, their descendants, Quil Ateara V and Jacob Black and Sam Uley are living on La Push. Apparently, the story is actually real, but there is no magic or wolves or vampires. Just normal men who came and took up land and defended it from others, keeping it to themselves.

As if that all wasn't weird enough, it was all happening in my life which was abnormal enough. These were my thoughts as I lay in my bed, tangled with the sheets, at 6 o'clock on a school day. My night was filled with dreams, dreaming about the story I was told.

I sighed and sat up on my elbows, a yawn on my lips, only to scream and fall back on against the headboard. There, standing right in front of my bed, watching me with beady eyes was a girl. She looked my age, with black hair short and cropped to her shoulders and eyes endless pits of black with no emotions. She looked at me in surprise; I had a hunch that she didn't expect me to see her. But my mind was blank with shock. My breath caught in my throat and became low. My lungs felt like it was being filled with water, I couldn't breathe.

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