Goodness Of A Ghost

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Pain shot through my lungs as like sharp knives as I gasped, coughing and spluttering. I gulped in gasps of air as fast as I could, feeling my lungs burn with emptiness as I spit saliva into the dirt. It took a moment to figure out what happened. I was stupidly convinced into coming to the graveyard no matter how much I refused---for good reason---and then, after failing at bringing the souls through the first time, I finally brought them. And they weren't happy. Then I passed out. I started to feel my surroundings, and my senses came back. A hand was delicately cupping the back of my head, holding it up. And another was intertwined with my other hand, holding it tightly.

I coughed as the hand buried itself in my hair, gently but hesitantly patting it. I opened my eyes and breathed in deep, looking at the blurry figures that slowly started to clear out like water. Dorian was looking at me with concern, his blue-grey eyes shining with worry.

Slowly I tried to get up but quickly realized how futile it was when I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. A sharp pain lanced through my head and colorful spots flashed in front of my eyes, it felt like my whole body had been beaten and every movement caused some muscle or bone to ache. Regardless, I needed to get up...and spit away the dirt that had gotten into my mouth. His hands immediately re-positioned me back into a more comfortable position.

Behind him were Athena and Jeremy, both looking adorable together yet now they were staring at me with different expressions. Jeremy was full of concern, nervously biting his lips as his hair fell in front of his eyes that he didn't even bother to wipe away. Athena was a different case. Her face was emotionless but you could see the inner conflict in her eyes, she was mad at me but couldn't help being worried. And she was torn in-between being angry and being worried. Dorian held my hand tightly, as if afraid of letting go. I stared at him for a moment, still dazed, but then I looked back at Jeremy and Athena.

"I'm sorry..." I spoke, and Jeremy immediately transferred himself to my side, kneeling down and reaching a pale hand out as if to touch me, but he held it back at his side.

"Don't worry, never mind, just don't ever do that again. I could care less if you don't speak to me just don't scare me like that---actually I would care if you never spoke to me again---please continue speaking to me---don't leave me again!" he said all the words in one breath, his emotions changing faster than a girl's opinion over her clothes. Even though the pain and headache I still couldn't help but smile at his adorableness.

I looked as Athena came behind him, arms crossed and face stony.

"If you didn't just pass out and then wake up coughing into the dirt, I would still be mad at you. But please don't do that again..." she said and finally, the concern broke onto her face. I smiled and relaxed back to the ground, my hand tightening around Dorian's as he had been watching me this whole time. He gently set my head in his lap as he delicately rubbed a spot of dirt on my forehead. I looked at his face, a small smile of relief grazing my lips. He stared back at me just the same, though something twinkled in his moon-lit eyes. His eyes seemed all grey in the night, not a spark of blue was shown under the starry sky. It somehow made him a completely different guy, like his eye color changed with him. But no matter what, he will still be Dorian to me.

"Told you not to bring me here...bad things happen at the cemetery at night," I whispered and he smiled, glancing at the two ghost companions we had with us.

"Aside from blacking out and scaring the bloody hell out of me, do you regret coming here, to the cemetery, at night?" he asked slowly, each word passing through his accented voice as different. I cracked a genuine smile on his way of asking the question.

"Never." He smiled brightly and helped me up, putting me in a sitting position and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed though I don't think he noticed, and we slowly turned towards the other two. Their expressions were different.

Jeremy looked confused, unable to see something in the situation. But Athena, her expression was scary. She had a look in her eyes, wheels turning in her head. It looked as if she was figuring something out when looking between us. Her eyes kept switching between us, and a wicked smile started blooming on her face. She turned and looked at me with a certain look that frightened me. I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to see what she was seeing but failing.

Soon we were back in the car, me driving much to Dorian's dismay. He didn't want me to drive in this condition, slightly worried I'll black out again. But I shut his idea of driving me back home quickly, the last thing I needed was someone seeing me in a car driven by an invisible person. Whilst I drove, I let my mind wander back and think. This feeling was blooming out in me, a feeling great. It was relief. I was so happy that I broke the block, that I fought for my friends and managed to get them back, despite the pain I had to go through. I would still do it all over again.

As I parked the truck, I checked warily for Charlie, but he wasn't there. It seemed that he would be home in about three to two hours. We walked inside, the lights were off completely and the hallway was lit by a single lamp coming from the kitchen. Dorian immediately led me over there and sat me down on the chair at the table.

He turned around elegantly and started rummaging through the cabinets, even leaving the room and going to the bathroom. He came back with a bottle in his hand and an empty cup of glass in his other hand. He put the bottle down and I checked realizing that it was painkillers. He handed me the now full glass of water set it down on the table.

"Take one of the pills." He said sternly and I looked at him in doubt. He gave me a sterner look and I sighed, taking the pills and drinking them with the water. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me up the stairs, leading me to my rooms. I was entirely confused at what he was doing, but I was too sleepy and tired to question it so I went with it. He didn't let my hand go and that made me feel slightly giddy even through the tiredness. He led me towards the bed and I got slightly scared at this, but he was so focused he barely noticed. I felt like a child being taken care of. It felt kind of nice...

I shrugged out of my jacket and took my socks off. He brought back the covers on my bed and pointed sternly at the pillows. Confused, I got in and lied back, and he tucked me, making sure to cover my back.

"You need to rest. It was my idea to go that cemetery and...look what happened to you..." I smiled as I finally understood. He was feeling guilty and now he's brought it upon himself to make it up to me.

He smiled back and turned the lights off as I snuggled in, sleep almost overtaking me.

"Dorian," I called to him and he turned around, looking at me puzzled. I smiled sleepily as I spoke, "I'm glad you took me there..."

"Me too."

Hello lovely readers, I am not so happy to say I am slowly dying...because of the prison with fire-lit shackle and mean prison guards called school. I have my exams, which explain the short chapter I just published. I still hope you like it though...

Anyway, how was the chapter, it is so short but I still needed to update so I wouldn't leave my lovely fans hanging on forever. So vote, and comment and tell me what you think!


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