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Months later..
"We're home!"Karliyah got up quickly and ran to the diner."I missed you all!"she hugged them."And we missed our little baby girl."
Baekhyun said"I'm only 14 stop saying that!"she pouts.The boys stared at her with Awe.Suho quickly snap out of it and something behind him."Karliyah,I-We have a surprise for you!
Suho said"Oh!,What is it?"

"I know you've been asking for it and we been thinking,So.."He pulled the camera out of the box.
Karliyah gasp"A camera!"She hugged all of them and gave them kisses on the cheeks.Most of them blushed."Thank you a lot guys, I really appreciate it!"
"You're welcome"They all said."Lets take a picture.!"
"How do you set the timer?"Karliyah was struggling.Baekhyun came behind her and pressed the button on the top of the camera."we have 10 seconds."They quickly got in order with Karliyah in the middle."Say Cheese!"Lay said"CHEESE!"
2 years later
Karliyah smiled at the picture from years ago.She wanted to be happy and respectful to the boys.The boys wanted the same. Every since of the beginning,they knew she had something in her that brings the boys mood brighten.Her smile,laugh,weirdness even crazy.They just love her so much.
Hey this is the last chapter I might write a second book about this!i hope you enjoyed it

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