First Kiss (Boyf Riends)

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Hi first fanfic

This is total shit
(Future authors note)- skip the first three part because they're real bad (im not fucking kidding)

heere we go !

Jeremy's POV

I looked at Michael, observing the concentrated look he had on his face. His tongue was stuck out and his brows were furrowed as he stared at the game. He's so adorable, I thought. My vision rested on his lips, looking at how luscious and soft they were.

"Jer! I'm almost beating your high score!" he cried gleefully.

"Not if I can distract you first!"

I started to tickle him , but he scooted his bean bag away. I stood up and walked towards him.

Michael's POV

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jeremy standing up. He walked towards me smiling. I kept myself focused on the screen, trying not to look at his sweet smile. I felt him sitting down next to me, and i felt him scooting in closer.

"Jeremy, what are you doi-"

I was interrupted by his soft lips against mine. I pulled him in closer, dropping the game controller. A feeling of wanting him close to me coursed through my body. He wrapped his arms around me when we were interrupted by a voice.

"Game Over!" the television blared.

"Fuck! Jer, You cheated! I was almost about to beat your high score," I glared at him jokingly.

Of course, Jeremy being the dork he is thought I was mad at him.

Jeremy's POV

I turned a deep shade of red as I tried to avoid Michael's beautiful brown eyes.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I stuttered.

"Jeremy, you idiot!" he said, smiling.

I felt his hands bring my face closer to his.

"I love you, Jer-bear," Michael said, looking into my eyes.

My heart fluttered at these words. My crush since the beginning of high school told me he loved me.

I replied, " I love you too, but don't ever call me Jer-bear again!"

"Whatever you say Jer-bear!"

" Oh my god, I hate you!" I said as I tackled him.

As I landed on top of him, he ran his fingers through my hair, smiling at me. Warmth swallowed my body as I got lost in his eyes, the light casting a glow within them. I gripped him tighter, pulling him in closer to me and fell asleep breathing in the soft scent of his hoodie.


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