4. Cool Kids

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My eyes fluttered open on Monday morning. I walked into the bedroom and took a shower. I dressed up into the new clothes Tara had picked for me in the mall on Friday morning. They were two pink body hugging dresses.

She had told me that my wardrobe needed a makeover. That I had too many jeans and that the ninetees called and wanted their look back. I was a grunge girl, but the cool squad moved with the times and I needed to do that. I needed to feel like I was noticed. Like a somebody.

I wore a skin tight Jean and threw over a pale pink sequined t-shirt. Mandy had given it to me on Thursday.

I arrived into the kitchen and found father.

Father always left early, I guess today he was not that busy. I thought.

"Morning honey,why are you leaving for school this early?"he asked and it was then when I looked at the time. He was right. It was still 6:30.

"My phone must have a glitch,"I lied. Truth was when I had a lot on my mind,I had little sleep. I ate breakfast in the lounge,watching t.v. I scrolled throughout all the channels and there was nothing great to watch so I stopped at the Sports Channel and found The Formula 1 race news on.

I sat there for a few minutes. Drooling over  Louis Hamilton. He was part of the Mercedes Race group and they were my favorite group,but I found it unfair how Sebastian Vettel was always in the lead. He was in the Ferrari group.

The show showed all the teams and their drivers. It was almost Formula 1 season.
A very familiar face appeared on the screen and as he spoke,I felt like I knew him. His face,his voice. I had never seen him in the race before, but then I felt like I knew him. That I had met him before.

He was in a black Overall and scattered on it were different brands that sponsored the  show. A red line ran across the screen and they typed his name in bold letters.

Max Verstappen

Nope. That name did not ring a bell. Maybe it was Deja Vû and I had dreamt about him.

I left the house and walked to school. School was a street away and I did not need transport to get there. I wanted to be positive and look forward for the day, but then my mind tortured me with thoughts again. My problems were slowly eating me on the inside.

I knew I needed to talk to someone about it. About the little baby that was growing in me.


My pride spoke

I feared that I would be judged for sleeping with a stranger without using protection. I would be called all sorts of names,a coxcomb, a fool and ignorant.

I arrived at school and Math class was my first period. We were going to write a test soon and the whole lesson we had been doing revision. I realised I still had a lot to practice. I felt like I was no longer ready. I looked around the classroom. Eric sat three seats before me, but Cassidy was not in class.

Maybe she was still too embarrassed to come to school again. She was still mad at me,under all the pride that I had I had to admit that I missed her.

●●●●●●●●Lunch Break●●●●●●●○●●

"So,Julie. What are you going to wear tomorrow night?"Mandy followed me into the hallway during break.

"Tomorrow night?"I asked and Dean Rose approached us. He was one of what I was quickly becoming. One of the cool kids.

"Yes. I'm throwing a house party,my parents are out of town,"he said confidently.

Did I hear correctly. He was having a party on a Tuesday night?

"Oh?"That's all I managed to say. I thought I would automatically be cooler in speaking too as I hung out with the cool kids,but it was harder than it looked. I still knew not how to act cool. I just hoped they would not figure that out.

I did not want to go back to my old life. My nerdy life. My geeky life. My nobody life. I wanted to be a somebody. A somebody whom was friends with everyone.

"So what are you going to wear?"Mandy kept pushing. I did not have any dresses except for the one which was in the laundry by the back home and the one I had on the moment.

"The dress code is black,"Jack Ryder popped in. He was Dean's best buddy and they had a bromance going on. They even had the same hairstyle and clothing style.

Good. I had something black.

Frankly,a lot of black.

As we walked all through the hallway. Everybody's eyes were on us. On the cool kids. I was finally apart of them. For years I had watched near my locker as the cool kids passed by in their expensive clothing and perfect smiles, but now I was apart of them. I was finally a somebody.

"Julie,"I froze when a figure stood before me. It was Eric. I winced and avoided his gaze.

"Can we talk?"He asked and Tara approached us.

"Uhm....,"I said and the others looked at me. I thought they would have left us by now,but then they just stood there. They just stood there as if waiting for my answer. I did not want to unfriend them. Or it would mean going back to my old life.

"No,I can't talk,"I said and I saw him shrink .

"Come on,Julie,"Tara pulled me with them.

Was I becoming cold or was that the right thing to do?

I mean it was just Eric and he would text or call me later. Right?

Okay. Okay. Thank you so much for chosing to read my story. I hope you loved this chapter.


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