Chapter 11

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That night when he went to sleep Percy had a dream. And the worst thing about that dream was that it wasn't a normal one - it was a demigod dream.

He was stood in what looked like a big old warehouse that must have been abandoned for a while to have collected so much dust. The noise was overpowering - a giant mass of snarling, fighting and speech in guttural languages that Percy didn't understand. Bodies were filling the entire room, writhing bodies covered in scales, slime and dozens of eyes in some cases that reminded him oddly of the security guard at camp named Argus.

Some of the creatures Percy recognised as Greek monsters; dracnae, Cyclopes, telekhines, and things he'd only seen in books that Annabeth had made him read. But many of the creatures were unknown to Percy and he got the feeling that they were demons. They looked evil and gross enough to be demonic - some of them even reminded Percy of Smelly Gabe and his ugly poker buddies.

Standing in a circle of space in the middle of the mess were a man and a woman. Percy immediately recognised the man as Valentine but he had absolutely no idea who the woman was. She had dark black hair that fell in glossy waves over her shoulders and her skin had a light olive tone to it. She had a perfect hourglass figure that was covered in a short black dress that could've passed for a long t-shirt and was so tight that the little fat she had on her body bulged slightly. The most notable feature of this woman, however, was her face which was cold and cruel; her lips were curved into an ugly sneer, and her eyes were an unnerving deep shade of blue that seemed to glitter with gleeful malice as she surveyed the array of creatures surrounding her.

"I admit that I am impressed Valentine. You have proven yourself more than useful these past few weeks. Still, I feel we may need more than this of we are to succeed in destroying the Shadowhunters and Demigods who wish to stand in the way of our new empire." Her voice was silky and seductive and she trailed her hand along Valentines face as she circled him like a lioness. Percy found himself wanting desperately to please this woman and feel what it would be like to have her close to him and to have her speak to and notice him...

Valentine made a choking sound in the back of his throat as words got stuck in his mouth. he cleared his throat and tried again, this time managing to compose a sentence "I'm gathering the others who want to control the mundanes. As we speak more allies are coming to fight and these more skilled in fighting than monsters or demons."

"Well, that is promising. What do you think my sweet?" The last part was cooed at a nearby demon, around the size of a parrot, who scuttled along the ground before running along the woman's arm, settling on her shoulder and nuzzling into her neck in what Percy assumed was meant to be a sign of affection. The creature had at least a dozen eyes and was a dark mottled green colour with scales that were covered in some sort of thick slime. At its mouth rows of sharp, pointed teeth were visible dripping with a bright pink liquid as foam frothed at its lips. Overall not something you'd particularly want anywhere near you let alone snuggling against your neck.

The woman didn't seem fazed at all by the gross appearance of the demon and turned back to face Valentine "Continue giving our army the serum; they already seem to be showing progress in obedience, cooperation and tactical attacks. I want this army to be unstoppable when we attack in 5 days time. Do not fail me Valentine, lest I have to remind you of what happens to those who disappoint me." She strutted out of the room with her hips swaying on each step. The tide of monsters and demons parted for her as she walked and Percy caught a last glance of Valentine staring longingly at her retreating figure before the scene dissolved and he was pulled out of his sleep.

Percy woke up in a panic. His palms were sweaty and his head was swirling with the gravity of what he'd just witnessed in his dream. He stood up from his bed and quickly pulled on a shirt and some trainers then ran from the room to find Annabeth. He tried to remember which door was hers with sleep still muddling his thoughts, but the problem was he couldn't remember which room belonged to her and which belonged to Jace. He didn't fancy walking in on Jace sleeping at 1 o'clock in the morning. That would be awkward to explain.

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