Chapter 1

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All Rights go to Rick Riordan for the Percy Jackson aspects and Cassandra Clare for The Mortal Instruments aspects. ^_^


"Percy, remember to Iris-message me this Summer, and try not to get yourself into any more trouble." Sally Jackson said to her son, exasperated. It was the start of the Summer at Camp Half-Blood and Percy Jackson was saying goodbye to his mum before walking up Half-Blood Hill and into his home.

"Mum, I don't try to get into these situations, it just happens! It wan't my fault Kronos decided to escape Tartarus and try to take over the World." During the school year Percy had managed to stay in school without too many life threatening incidents, meaning there weren't any Furies in disguise or vengeful Empousai. However, he was attacked by a dracaenae 2 weeks after leaving Camp and then found that there was a satyr at school with him taking a son of Hephaestus back to Camp. Percy had given the kid and Satyr some help by summoning Blackjack (his Pegasus friend) to carry them to Long Island along with some spare nectar and ambrosia in case they ran into trouble.

Chiron had Iris messaged Percy to update him on how Camp was going and it turned out that the Gods were indeed recognising their children, and Camp was getting more demigods than ever before. Percy's friend Grover, Lord of the Wild and member of the Council of Cloven Elders, had his hands full sending Satyrs all over the place to safely bring new Half-Bloods to camp.

So now here he was, about to start a new and, hopefully, more peaceful Summer at Camp.

"I know Percy, just... stay safe." She smiled and hugged Percy before handing him his bags and getting back in the car. As she drove back down the road, Percy waved and watched the car as it turned the bend and was gone. With a sigh of happiness, he faced the hill again and began to walk.

When he reached the camp, he could hear the voices of others as they all greeted each other after the long time away. Even with the lighthearted atmosphere, the thoughts of the half-bloods who wouldn't be returning this year weighed heavily on everyone's minds. Most noticeably the absence of Charles Beckendorf and Silena Beauregard. Percy was greeted by all of the campers he walked past, he acknowledged them back but he was looking for one face in particular, Annabeth. Someone called his name and he turned around hopefully, only to see another girl running towards him. She came to a stop in front of him, grinning happily.

"Hey Rachel, how's it going?" Percy smiled back at the Camp's new Oracle, she was wearing her regular paint-stained jeans and an orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt like the rest of the Campers had.

She shrugged "Good I guess. Still getting used to the whole Spirit of Delphi thing, at least I didn't embarrass myself in school by spurting out some random prophecy. How've you been? Not been getting into too much trouble have you?" She put her hands on her hips.

Percy laughed "You sound just like my mum." Rachel frowned "If by trouble you mean monsters then it was nothing I couldn't handle, we did fight a Titan lord last Summer." Rachel shuddered at the memory and Percy grimaced. It definitely hadn't been easy.

"So," he said, changing the subject "Have you seen Annabeth yet?"

Rachel got a mischievous twinkle in her eye, worthy of a Hermes kid "I think she went over to the Big House to see Chiron."

"Great, so I'll see you later?" Rachel nodded so Percy took off down to the Big House, depositing his things in his cabin first.

he walked up the porch and knocked on the door before entering. Sat in the study talking to the activities director, was Annabeth Chase.

"-dangerous and I don't understand Chiron." Percy caught the end of what she said and smiled, happy to see her.

"Never would have seen that coming. Wise Girl doesn't understand something." Percy said. Annabeth whirled around.

"Percy!" she exclaimed, running up to him and hugging him. After a moment, however, she pulled away and scowled "Did you just insult me Seaweed Brain?" her eyes were shining with malice. Here's a great tip, don't piss off a child of Athena, especially if that child happens to be Annabeth.

"Uh...nah, I think you must have heard me wrong. I just said how amazingly wise and beautiful you are." Percy flashed her a grin whilst contemplating whether of not to start running for his life.

Annabeth smirked "Ha, that's funny. I'm pretty certain that I heard you insult me."

Percy gulped and looked to Chiron for help, only to find that he had left the room. "Nah, You must be hearing things."

Annabeth smirked "Oh so now you're saying I've got poor hearing?"

Percy knew he had done it now. It was time to run. So, spinning on his heel, Percy dashed from the Big House with Annabeth hot on his heels. Percy ran back to the group of Campers and looked for help. A few people had turned around to give him strange looks as he was panting and windswept. After glancing around hurriedly, Percy spotted the Stoll brothers talking to a newcomer who Percy didn't know yet. The Stoll brothers wouldn't have been his first choice to look to for aid but they were his best bet. So, running up to them, Percy went and crouched behind them. Both brothers turned and looked at him as though he were mad.

"Percy? What're you doing?" they asked in unison, which was kind of unnerving considering these two were the best pranksters in Camp.

Pecy cleared his throat "Annabeth, I kind of maybe insulted her?" It turned into a question at the end. The Stoll brothers looked at each other and slowly they adopted evil smirks and a mischievous glint in their eyes

Oh gods. Percy should've known not to trust Connor and Travis.

They both moved at the same time and grabbed one of Percy's arms each. He kicked his legs as they lifted him up into the air and carried him through groups of laughing campers.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" Percy heard a voice shout. Not good.

"Guys, come on. This is not cool." Percy said, making the brothers laugh even more.

Annabeth came into view and she stared at Percy and the brothers. She grinned. They moved forward and dumped Percy at Annabeth's feet.

"Percy Jackson, saviour of Olympus at your service Annabeth." Travis said and grinned. They saluted her at the same time and walked off, high-fiving each other along the way.

Percy slowly looked up at Annabeth and smiled. "Sorry?"

Annabeth just smiled evilly and jumped on him, pinning him to the ground with her dagger at his throat. He may have the curse of Achilles, but Percy was still nervous about having a blade at his throat. Even if it was his girlfriend's.

"You're the best girlfriend in the world and I take back everything I said? I love you?" Percy tried.

"And don't you forget it Seaweed Brain." She laughed and they both stood up together, holding hands as they walked to the dining hall for dinner.



"JACE!" Clary yelled as she felt demon ichor spray all over her bare arm. It began to burn instantly and she had to hold back a moan of pain. Clary and Jace had been out for a nighttime stroll when they ran into 5 Moloch demons. They had been taken by surprise by the number of demons as usually they only found Moloch demons in groups of 2 or 3, 5 was madness. They had started by fighting back-to-back but had been separated while trying to kill the group. They had both managed to kill one each but that left Jace fighting 2 and Clary fighting one. He was quite capable of looking after himself, but these demons seemed more intelligent than usual. They seemed to have a plan.

The demon sprayed fire at Clary from it's empty eye sockets and she rolled to the side to avoid being burnt. It then followed up with a slash that she caught on her Seraph blade, she was too slow, however, to block the next slash that came at her torso. She felt the claws rake across her ribs and stumbled, clutching at the wound. If she had been wearing her gear the scratch wouldn't have made so much damage but she and Jace hadn't expected the attack.

Clary started to see black spots covering her vision and only barely got out out of the way in time when the demon sprayed fire again. Clary held up her Seraph blade as it leaped and turned to dust upon impact with her blade.

Clary slumped with exhaustion stemming from the sudden fight and her wounds. Lifting up her hand, she saw it was covering in dark, red blood and she collapsed to the ground. However, before she hit the hard concrete she felt strong hands go under her shoulders. She hissed in pain as the movement stretched the skin by her wounds and felt consciousness slipping away from her.

"Clary!" she heard Jace call, voice laced with concern. Then she slipped away into darkness.

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