16 > Explanation

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You told her what happened: first your parents, then going to the Netherlands and then Aiden.

After you told her everything Owen came to the kitchen.

"Hi Emily, we've met before, but I'm Owen." he said, trying to smile a bit. You knew he couldn't really smile, because of everything that was going on.

"Hey Owen, are you OK?"  Emily asked, knowing it was also hard for Owen.

"I guess I'm doing better than Aiden," Owen turned to you, "He fell asleep on the couch, do you want me to let the two of you alone tonight? Aiden can sleep with in your bed then."

It was so cute how much Owen cared.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to go. Aiden's asleep already, he can sleep on the couch, he's done that several times before. Unless you want to go, I can't stop you..." you said, giving him a warm smile.

Owen nodded and gave you a quick kiss, "I'm gonna shower." he said and left to the bathroom.

"You are one lucky bastard, he cares about you so much, I can see that already. And he is a very, very good-looking man!"

You and Emily talked and laughed a while longer. The people in this house, right now, they were your family. Your only family. Aiden, Emily and  Owen. They were your real family.

Owen went into bed, right after he took a shower.

When Emily left you took a quick shower, checked up on Aiden and went into bed.

"Are you really OK?" Owen suddenly asks and turns around, now facing you, which kind of scared you because you thought he was already asleep.

"Yes I am, the only person I feel bad for is Aiden. I tried to be sad, because they're my parents, too. But it-, I just-, I can't feel bad for them. They were never there for me. I feel bad for people, when something bad happens, but I know them, they wouldn't feel bad for me if I was in a situation like that either."

This thought made you quite sad, you knew it was true. But still, it would've been nice if you could feel bad, because that would mean your parents meant something to you and then the past would've been different. But you didn't feel bad and the past is the past, not your favourite part of your life.

"It's not your fault, at least you tried being sad.." Owen said, making you laugh a little bit. "I'm happy you let me be here, it means a lot to me, Melissa. You don't even know. This is the closest thing to 'family' I've ever had. And it feels better than what I had, actually."

You and Owen looked eachother in the eyes, as if you both were looking for answers. The two of you were silent for a couple of minutes. Owen broke the silence by speaking up.

"I love you, Melissa. And in this short amount of time, you made sure to mean very much to me. You, Aiden, all of this, it means a lot to me. We're going to get through this, all three of us. I love you."

You were silent for a bit, still processing Owen just confessed to you that he loved you.

"I-, this..," you tried to find the right words, you were quiet again, the two of you were still looking eachother deeply in the eyes.

"I love you too, Owen Hunt." you finally said. "Very much, actually."

After that you and Owen shared a passionate kiss and you fell asleep, laying in Owen's arms, feeling his breath in your neck.

Thinking about it, Owen meant more to you than you realised. He made you complete, that empty hole in you life had finally been filled. He made you feel happy, even in times like this. He was the man you could imagine yourself growing old with. And that, that was a new thought. You had never thought about growing old with your previous boyfriends. They probably were all just some distraction. Owen wasn't just a distraction, Owen might even be the love of your life, but it was still a bit soon to tell. You'll see where this takes you, right?


Written: July 20th, 2017

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