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"Where are we going?" You ask Owen while he's driving into the woods.

"You'll see when we get there." He says with the cutest smile ever.

"Owen, we're in the woods."

"Yes, I know that. I drove us here." He says with a questioning face.

"The woods are dirty and there are many, many bugs." You say seriously.

Owen bursts out in laughter.

"Melissa, you'll see where we're going when we get there. Believe me, you're gonna like it."

Urgh. He doesn't even have to try hard to convince you. And to be honest, even if he would go to a place in the woods. You won't leave him. I mean, it's Owen, you wouldn't even leave him if he wanted to go to the creepiest place in the world. You only knew him a bit, but you felt really safe with him.

"Melissa, for this last part I want you to close your eyes." He says while looking at you with a smirk.

You look at him for a couple of minutes. He stopped driving when he said you had to close your eyes.

"I'm not going to kill you, I just want to surprise you." He says smiling.

"Alright." You murmur and slowly close you eyes.

You just sit there with your eyes closed. You didn't feel that comfortable. Owen must've noticed that because all of a sudden you feel his hand grabbing yours. You immediately felt your body relax.

"Okay, we're here. Keep your eyes closed! I'll come to your side of the car and help you out, but promise me you'll keep your eyes closed!"

"I will keep my eyes closed, don't worry." You say while laughing a bit. He just sounds so cute, as if he's a kid who wants to show his parents something he made at school.

Owen steps out of the car and closes his door. When he closes the door you hear a weird sound, you can't put your finger on if it's Owen who's hurt, or if he sees something beautiful, or if it's just your imagination.

"Owen, are you there?" It's already been a minute since he got out of the car and it only takes a couple of seconds to get to the other side.

"Owen I'm going to open my eyes, this takes too long." You say, still with closed eyes.

After a couple of seconds you open your eyes. You look around the car, where is Owen?

You slowly take off your seatbelt and open the door. Maybe someone kidnapped him, maybe he is hurt.

"Owen, where are you?" You ask quietly.

No answer. You're not sure whether this is a joke or not, because you made it pretty clear you were kinda scared in the woods. And now it feels like your completely alone.

"Owen, this isn't funny!" You're not screaming out loud, just quietly screaming, kind of whispering.

Then you hear something. Like leaves on the road or so.

"Mel-" you hear Owen. He's trying to say your name.

You immediately go to Owen's side of the car, that's where his voice came from.

Oh. My. God. Tears are about to stream down your face.

"Oh my god. Owen are you alright?!"

He sits on the ground, in a lot of pain. Owen's foot is stuck in a bear trap.

"Owen how can I help? What should I do?" You ask worried.

"Melissa-, calm down. I'm alright. There's a bag on the backseat of my car. My phone is in it. Can you get it?" He tries to stay calm and pretend he isn't in a lot of pain. But ofcourse you know better.

You stand up and grab his phone as fast as possible.

"I got it, what do you want me to do?" You ask, still with a worried sound in your voice.

"Go to my contacts and call Derek Shepherd. He's a neurosurgeon at Seattle Grace. I know I don't need a neurosurgeon, but he's a friend. Can you call him?"

"Ofcourse, you don't have to explain yourself Owen. I'm gonna need you to stay calm, alright? Everything is going to be OK." You say, knowing he said the exact same thing to you when you were in the accident.

"I will be." He says with a tiny smile on his face.

Okay. Derek Shepherd.


Written: July 7th, 2017

The Past is in the Past {Owen Hunt}Where stories live. Discover now