13 > Boyfriend

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Last night was your date (and first kiss) with Owen. You asked Owen to stay over, so he did.

Today he'd be at home, because he had the night shift tonight. He asked if he should go home, but you didn't care if he'd be in your bed, asleep, all day. Even thought he was asleep, it felt safe being with him.

"You really don't mind" Owen asked again.

"No sweetheart, just go back to bed and get the sleep you need." You say while giving him a quick peck on his lips.

"Alright. Alright. Goodnight then, I suppose.."

"Sweet dreams." And with that Owen went back to bed.

Today you'd go to your work to fill in papers to quit. When you first said you wanted to quit you weren't really sure, but after thinking it through you knew it was what you wanted.

You left a note saying you were at work, in case Owen woke up and got worried.

*Incoming call: Emily*

"Heey Em, what's up?"

"Hey Mel, how's life?"

"Great! Owen and I are kinda official. And we..... kissed!"

"Oh my god! That's great Mel! Tell me, you up for a drink tonight?"

"Tonight? Yeah sure! But only after 7, because Owen's still at my place till then."

"Oh okay! What's he doing there, doesn't he have to work?"

"He has the night shift tonight, he's asleep."

"Oh that's adorbs! Anyways, I'll be at your place at 8pm then. Byebye Nacho."

"Bye Sugar."

You and Emily always gave eachother random nicknames.

Work. You arrived at work, you weren't really sure how your boss would react. Since you were pretty close and no-one would ever expect any of the staff to quit. You were the first one to quit.


There were a lot of shocked faces when you told your boss and your colleagues, but it happened and everything was settled. You didn't have to work for another month, because they had enough staff and it was alright.

On your way back home Owen called you.

"Hey baby, where are you?"

"I was at work, but I'm on my way home now. Didn't you read my note?"

"Now I see it, sorry. Still a bit sleepy.."

"It's alright babe. What are you up to? It's just 2pm."

"I know, but I got worried when you didn't answer, so I called."

"Ahw that's cute. But I'm almost home. Do you want something to eat? If so, I can take something with me. I'm going to the store before going back home."

"No, I'm alright sweetie. I'm going back to bed right now. I'll see you when you get home."

"Alright sweetheart, sweet dreams."

You hung up and went to the store instead of home. When you were in the store you ran into someone familiar. You didn't know what you knew her from, she just looked familiar.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" She said.

"I'm sorry too, I didn't look." You said with a smile.

"This is going to sound really stalker-ish, but you look familiar, do I know you?" She said.

"To be honest, I was thinking the exact same." You and the girl start laughing.

"Well, I'm Lexie, Lexie Grey."

"Melissa, Melissa Keath."

You shake her hand. Wait, isn't 'Grey' Meredith's last name?

"Grey? I know that last name. Are you family of Meredith Grey?"

"Yes I am, I'm her half-sister."

Oh that's right! Meredith showed a picture of her.

"How do you know Meredith?" Lexie asks.

"I'm Owen's girlfriend. Derek and Meredith asked us over for dinner and she showed a couple of pictures. That's why you looked familiar." You say with a smile.

"Ohh, Melissa as in Owen's girlfriend! Now I know why you looked familiar too. Meredith told me about you and Owen and showed a picture, too."

"Lexie, I got everything. You coming?" A male voice asks.

"Yeah, come here for a sec. This is Owen's girlfriend, Melissa!" She says and the man walks in your direction.

"The lucky one, I'm Mark Sloan." The man says and you shake hands.

"I'm also 'the lucky one' Mark." Lexie says winking at Mark.

"I'd call myself lucky to have you, too. We're all lucky." He says and the three of you start laughing.

*Incoming call: Owen*

"Oh, it's Owen. I guess I'll see you around!"

"Probably yes! Have a good day Melissa!" Lexie says and she and Mark leave.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry it took so long. Ran into someone.."

"Melissa, come home. Right now!"

Owen says, almost yelling. What on earth could be wrong?!

"Owen what's wrong?!"


Written: July 15th, 2017

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