15 > Work

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"Chief, can we talk to you?" Owen said to dr Webber when you were in the hospital.

"Yes, ofcourse. Let's go to my office." dr Webber said while walking towards his office.

Owen told dr Webber everything about what happened and that he'd really want to go with Aiden and you if that was possible.

"Well, I don't know, Hunt. You're not easy to replace. Two weeks is longer than you think." he said.

"I know, sir. But I need to do this." Owen looked at you, you gave him a tiny smile.

"Alright, two weeks. And Melissa, I'm really sorry for your loss and about what happened. Are you OK?" dr Webber said, first looking at Owen and then at you.

"To be completely honest, I'm fine actually. But my brother, he isn't fine at all." Thinking about how Aiden felt in this situation made you so sad.

"Where is your brother Melissa?" Dr Webber asked, still looking at you.

"He's in her apartment. We told him we would talk about going to the Netherlands and that he should take some rest." Owen said, knowing it was hard for you to talk about Aiden right now.

"Well, why are you still here? Take her home, Hunt. Take it easy, all three of you. I'll see you in two weeks."

Doctor Webber said and with that Owen took your hand and took you outside.

You went home and when you got in you didn't see Aiden.

"He's probably asleep." You said while getting drinks for you and Owen.

"Uh- Melissa, I am not so sure about that." Owen said, standing in the doorway of your bedroom, with a very worried look on his face.

You ran to Owen and saw that no-one was in there, it was empty, just you and Owen in the doorway.

"Aiden?!" You yelled, starting to run from side to side in your apartment.

"Melissa, stay calm. We're gonna find him and we're gonna make sure everything's OK." Owen said, trying to make you feel better.

You knew better than that. You were worried sick and couldn't stop walking from side to side. Until Owen suddenly hugged you, he held you tied and had is hand against the back of your head so he could push your head to his chest. This feeling made you actually feel better, the pressure was almost completely gone.

After a minute he grabbed your face and told you what he said before, but now you actually listened to him.

Owen went through your whole apartment again, to make sure Aiden wasn't just in another room.

"I- I just, I need him to be OK." You said, your voice breaking.

"I'm sure he's OK, Mel. He probably just needed to get out of here. It's a normal thing to do after you hear something like he heard avout your parents. We're gonna find him and we're gonna make sure everything get's planned and then we're going to the Netherlands, alright?"

Owen looked at you, holding your hand thightly.

"Yes, you're right. It's going to be fine, we're going to find him and we're going to the Netherlands."

You said it more to yourself, trying to convince yourself, than to Owen. But he knew how you felt and he also knew it was best to just shut up about it now and get back to business: finding Aiden.

You and Owen were walking around the neighbourhood, not quite knowing where to look. Until you remembered that one spot whre Aiden always used to go to when he was upset or when he wanted to he alone.

"I might know where he is, Owen. We should take a look there."

Owen nodded. It took about 15 minutes to get there. You were kind of scared. If Aiden wasn't here, you were out of ideas. He'd be gone and you wouldn't know where to look.

"Aiden?" You said, almost whispering.

"Aiden, are you here?" Owen continued.

After a minute Aiden came walking in your direction. You ran to him and hugged him thightly.

"Oh my god, Aiden. We looked everywhere for you, why didn't you leave a note? Are you OK?"

You sounded very anxious, probably because you were.

The walk home was quiet and actually kind of relaxing.

*Incoming call: Emily*

"Oh shoot, totally forgot about that!"

You and Emily would go out for a drink tonight. She'd be at your place at 8pm, but it was already long past that.

"Mel, where the hell are you? I've been waiting for you at your apartment and at Joe's, I thought you' d already be there. You didn't answer your texts, what's going on?"

You arrived at your apartment, Owen saw and heard what was going on, so he and Aiden just went inside and leftyou alone outside so you could explain to Emily what was going on.

"I am so sorry, Em. But I do have a reason, I'll tell you, but not over the phone. You could come right now, if you want to."

you said, Emily probably heard your sadness, because she said she'd come immediately.

you went inside and told Owen and Aiden Emily could be here any minute. Owen and Aiden went into the living room and watched TV, Owen really knew how to handle Aiden. You just sat in the kitchen, still processing everything that had happened.

About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang, you opened it and Emily came in.

"Well, tell me what's wrong!" she said while the two of you got a seat.


Written: July 19th & 20th, 2017

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