I thought I was going to die

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So, I just finished a piece of art I was working on. I decided to got on wattpad and look around. I was wonder how this book was doing. I looked at the amount of reads. I thought I was having a heart attack. 1.74K!? WHAT!? HOW THE HELL!? I'M TRYING NOT TO SCREAM BECAUSE IT'S 3:23 A.M. AND I DON'T WANT TO WAKE PEOPLE UP! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!! SMILE ALWAYS!!!!!! Anyway, back to not freaking out. I promise the next chapter will be a really one. I have one started, but I've been sick. Also, please give me ideas! I am completely lost. I have to find out how to end the chapter that I'm working on, then my writers block will entirely kick in and I will need help. If you want something/someone (or yourself even) to be in the next chapter, comment


If you want yourself in the next chapter, pm me or comment if your comfortable, your first name, what role you want to play. You could be a worker at starbucks, long lost friend, new student, whatever. You could be a horse if you wanted. Keep in mind when I say next chapter, I really mean, I'll post a chapter, then the one after that, you could be in. Another thing, I know what you'll all say. "What about (Y/N)? Doesn't she have my name?" Yes. She does. That's why I'm telling you all now, if you are included in the chapter, you could put my name there instead. My name is Janice. If no one wants to be in a chapter, I'll just include myself. I am going to put myself in there, just later on. You'll see. Word count: 301 Thanks!

I think I'm in love(Jefferson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now