Memories (Monticello Part Four)

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You woke up. Thomas's arms were around you. You were the first to wake up. You went to the bathroom. When you were done, you went back the fort. You sat on the couch. You pulled your phone out to check Twitter. Your mom tweeted? She never tweets. She tweeted:
(Mom's Username)
Daughter moved out. House to my self!
Ok. That's not true. Whatever. You shut off your phone. You heard shuffling. It was Mads waking up. He saw you. "How long have you been awake?" he asked. "About half an hour," you answer. He got up, and left the room. You assumed he went to the bathroom. When he returned, he had a photo album. A photo album you recognized. "Remember this?" he said, a smile growing. "Yeah, I remember," you said, memories flooding in. He opened the album. There were all sorts of pictures of you and Madison when you were little. He flipped through the pages. You saw one of you and him sitting in the grass. You were... kissing? So someone did see you. He saw it and seemed embarrassed. "Oh... I forgot that," he mumbled. "I didn't," you said smirking. "Do you think... we could be like that again?" he said. "Wait... like... together?" you asked nervously. "No. Like friends again," he said. You smiled. "I would love to be your friend again. I was concerned, because you're gay so like... it would be weird. Also, we both have a boyfriend," you answered. "True," he said. You both laughed. You gave him a hug. Your laughs woke up Maria. "Hey. Can you shush?" she complained. "No. We are having a moment. Join us, or ignore us," you snapped. "Well, I might as well join. I won't be able to fall back asleep," she said getting up. She left the room. She returned shortly, and sat down. "So what's up," she said. "Memories. I've known Mads since pre-school. He found an album we made," you said. She smirked. "Remember our past?" she said leaning on you. "*sigh* Yes," you answered.

You were a new student in middle school. The only friend you had was (B/F), who you've known since kindergarten. You had decided you were bi-sextual. A girl caught your eye. She was beautiful. You soon found out her name was Maria Reynolds. A boy named Thomas Jefferson caught your eye too. He didn't seem to like you though. You went after Maria. You became her friend. When the time was right, you asked her out. She said yes. You kissed her once. Your dad died. You stopped going to school. You stopped talking. You wouldn't eat or drink. For months you were like this. One day, Maria came over. "Hey... how have you been? I been worried about you. Please tell me what happened. I never was told what happened. I heard that you won't talk, eat, or drink anything. Will you tell me what happened? Please? *Long Pause* Look, I know I'm not the best girlfriend, but I'm here for you. Please talk to me. I need to hear your voice. Just one more time. Please," Maria said. You lunged forward to kiss her. She kissed back. That was the second time you kissed her. "I'm so sorry," you whispered. "What happened?" she asked again. "My dad was murdered. The killer got away. They haven't found him yet," you cried. She hugged you. You just cried, and cried. You finally got out of your room. Your mom was thrilled. Maria did it. You dated for another year. She moved to Harlem. You had to break up. You thought you would never see her again. You saw her again in college.

"So what is the story of your past?" Mads asked. Of course he wanted to know. You explained it to him. He was in shock. "I can't see that. I'm sorry, but I just can't," he said. "Yeah, I still have no idea why I ever fell for her," you confessed. She smirked. "Um... I'm sexy. Duh," she said. "Shut the fuck up," you said. Mads giggled. Hercules woke up next. He left, then came back. He sat on the couch. "What are you guys up to?" he asked. "We were talking about our past with (Y/N)," Mads blurted out. "Oh, well I have to say, as soon as I saw her I was like 'Daamn! She fine!' Then she ended up not feeling the same way. It's ok though! I totally understand. Also, I got Lafayette now. I don't need any one else," Hercules rambled. It wasn't long before Eliza woke up. She, like everyone else, left then returned. She sat on the couch. She gave Maria a quick kiss. She pulled out her phone. She played on it a little, then put it away. "Sorry, had to check Twitter. What's up?" Eliza asked. "We were discussing our past with (Y/N)," Maria said. "Oh, I have a past with her. Not a great on but... one," Eliza said. "Care to explain?" Mads asked. "It all started in middle school..." Eliza began.

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