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You woke up, the smell of sausage and pancakes. Still in your pajamas, you walk into the kitchen. Thomas was making breakfast. He turned around to look at you. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?" he asked. "Yeah! Thanks for making breakfast." you respond. "Of course! I love cooking," he said. "Really?" you say surprised. "Yeah, my mom taught me," he said with a small smile. 

You were on your way to class. Thomas next to you. You stop him. "Not a word of yesterday," you say. "Of course," he said. 

"Good morning! Today, we start researching our debate topics! As a class, we will pick a topic. Then, I will split the class into two groups. After a few days of research, we debate! That is how my class works, so deal with it. Let's begin!" Mr. Washington greeted the class. Alex, who you sat next to, John on his other side, looked at you. "We must agree. I can't vote against you. I just can't," he whispered. "You and me both," you whispered. You both giggled. "Something you'd like to say, Mr. Hamilton and Ms. (L/N)?" Mr. Washington caught you and Alex talking. "Oh, we just said that we really like your rules." you say. "Please, pay attention." he said. "Yes, sir," you both say in unison. "Thank you. Now class, what shall we debate first? I was thinking, we could go back to a time when there was no national bank. Debate weather we should establish one or forget the idea of them. What do you think?" Mr. Washington suggested. For some reason, most of the class was very exited about this plan. The class chose that topic. "Now, who says 'no,' on establishing a bank?" Mr. Washington asked. About half the class raised their hands. "Oh, perfect! You are all one group. The rest of you are the other," Mr. Washington said. You and Thomas were in separate groups. At least Alex was on your side. He was the brains of the class. He was made leader of the group. He had all the best ideas.

*Time Skip*

At lunch, you and (B/F) decided to go out. Not on a date or anything like that. Just as friends. You and him/her haven't spent a lot of time together alone. You got to your favorite restaurant, (F/R). You ordered your food and was waiting for (B/F) to order, when he walked in. Thomas walked in with Burr, and Madison. They got in line behind you. "Hey, (Y/N)!" he said. "Hey," you say. By this time, (B/F) was done ordering. "Let's go." she/he said. "Ok," you said. You both walked off to a seat. After a few moments, the three men walked up to your table. "Mind if we sit with you," Thomas said. "No, not at all. Go ahead." (B/F) said. You shot him/her a look she/he knew meant "Why would you do this to me!" He/She smirked. A while later, a waiter came out. He had you and (B/F)'s food, and the three men's food. You all ate in silents. You couldn't help your self. The silents was killing you. "So, do any of you guys like anyone? I don't know why I care. I'm just curious, and the silents is killing me." you say. "I do." Thomas said looking at you. Burr and Madison looked nervous. "Um... we... we're... we're together." Madison said. "We were going to tell you, Thomas. We were just nervous, because... well, we didn't think you would approve." Burr said with a relived sigh. "Not approve? Guys, congrats! This is great!" Thomas was happy for them.

*Time Skip*

It was time for drama club. The play for Romeo and Juliet was in a week. You really had to make sure you brushed your teeth. You had no idea how many times Angelica would make you practice that kiss. You popped a mint into your mouth. After you were done with that, you put a piece of mint gum in your mouth, and went to class. As you were walking down the hall, Thomas walked up behind you. You could hear him chewing gum, so you turned around. "Hey, um... if we, uh... if 'King' George makes us do the kissing scene today, just know, I don't mean it. Ok?" he said. Well, that's sad. You just got rejected. "Ok, whatever." you say, holding back tears. In class, "King" George wanted to know that you and Thomas were capable of kissing each other. Of course he asked a load of questions like "Are you two dating?" and "Have you practiced the kiss before?" and "Have you ever kissed anyone?" As awkward as that was, he made the two of you kiss. He wanted you to "practice". The problem being that, you had to kiss him almost 15 times. He would not settle with a little peck on the lips. He wanted a full kiss. Not like, tongue in, but a passionate, soft kiss. The amount of times he made the two of you kiss, you were beginning to think he enjoyed watching the two of you kiss. About to throw-up from all the smooching, the bell rang. Finally it was time for math. Even though Lee was a bit on the weird side(he was completely opposite from Mr. Washington), you were relieved drama was over.

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