Monticello(Part Two)

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You woke up to your alarm clock, and the smell of (favorite breakfast). Your mom was cooking. Thomas was asleep next to you. You woke him up. You got dressed. He got dressed. You walked into the kitchen. He followed. "(Y/N), can I talk to you?" your mom said. You got up and followed her to the other room. "You need to learn to be a little quieter," she said in a joking tone. "Oh my god mom. Stop," you gave her a pleading look. She laughed and left the room. You followed. Thomas gave you a curious look. You have him an "I'll tell you later" look. After breakfast, you and Thomas had to meet up with the class at a park. You drove in your own car. Thomas seemed to like your car as well.

All that the class did was tour Monticello. You and Thomas lived there, so for you and him it was like a boring lecture. After an hour of being told things you know everything about, Thomas pulled you onto an alley way. "Thomas! What the h-" you began to say before Thomas put his hand on your mouth. "Shh!" he shushed you. He slowly removed his hand. You waited before you spoke again. The class was long gone now. "I was going to say 'Thomas! What the hell!' So Thomas, why did we leave the group?" you asked. "You said you like pain, right? Well, I can give you pain. Anything that makes you happy, I will make sure you have," he answered, a smirk developing. You began to think. Does he have a giving pain kink? Yes... yes he did. You made your way back to your car. You drove to Thomas's house.

He took you to his room. "So how do you want to do this?" he asked. "Well, you could tie me to the bed and torture me," you suggest. Thomas smiled. "That works!" he said, then ran off. He returned with black ribbon. He locked the door. You removed your clothes to reveal lace panties, and a matching bra. With only that on, Thomas tied you up. He removed his clothes so, all he had on was boxers. "I'm sorry for any displeasure I may cause. I will keep going until you beg for mercy," he said. He then, got right to work. The first thing he did was smack your face. It felt so good. He sat on you, one leg on each side of you, leaned up to your face and, gently began biting your lip again. He was so hard. He kept giving you the pleasurable pain. He finally gave up. He needed you. He untied you. You decided to tease him. He layed on the bed, and you slowly removed his boxers with your teeth. He sprung free. You slowly removed your panties. You could tell he was impatient. "HURRY UP! I'M DYING OVER HERE!" Thomas yelled. You smirked. You lied next to him. "Since you are so needy, do it your self!" you snap. "Fine!" he shot back. He got up. He got in position. He looked at you. You nodded. He entered. He moved his hips back and forth. It was not long before he reached is point. He came in his condom. Good thing he had one on. You assumed he put it on when he went to get the ribbon. He layed next to you. There was a knock on his door. He put on a robe. You hid under the covers.

Thomas answered the door. It was Madison and Burr. They walked in the room. "So Tommy, where did you go during the tour?" Madison asked. "Well Jemmy, I came here," Thomas said. He called Madison... Jemmy? He called Thomas... Tommy? You tried not to but, couldn't help it. You giggled. "Thomas, there is something in your bed," Burr said. You removed the blanket. "Hey guy," you said. The two men jumped. They didn't expect you to be there. Especially naked. "H... hi (Y/N)... are you, um, naked?" Madison asked. "Yeah," you said. "Should we leave?" Burr asked. "No. It's cool." You said. Thomas went to his closet, and got a short for you. He handed it to you and it was way too big for you. You put it on. At least it covered your whole top half, and then some. You got up, grabbed your clothes, and went to Thomas's bathroom to change. You decided to keep his shirt on. You liked the smell of his laundry detergent. You came out of the bathroom. Thomas and the others were just talking. "Hey (Y/N), why don't you spend the night here? I was at your house last night so, you come over tonight," Thomas suggested. "Oh, we should have a slumber party! We could invite all our friends! We could use my house, because my parents are out of town!" Madison suggested. "Yeah! All my friends are like, hella gay so, it's not like it would be weird. Thomas, Burr, are you in?" you agreed. "I'm in. I was going to come over anyway," Burr said. "I'll come. If (Y/N) goes, I go," Thomas said. You smiled. "I'll send some texts!" you volunteered. You texted the group chat.

*Phone conversation*

(Username): Mads is having a slumber party tonight. You're all invited.

FrenchFry: I'm in but, why did he invite us? He hates us.

(Username): He didn't. I did.

FrenchFry: Why?

(Username): Because I'm not going to a slumber party with two people I barely know and my boyfriend.

FrenchFry: Oh...

BurnBabyBurn: I will come.

(Username): Great! What about you Hercules? Want to come?

HotPants: Sure!

Unknown: Can I come?

(Username): Who are you?

Unknown: Oh, it's Maria.

(Username): How did you get this number?

Unknown: I found a paper on the ground with a number on it. I called and the voicemail said it was you.

(Username): Oh. I just wonder why my number was on a paper.

(Username) changed Unknown's name to StayHey

StayHey: Seriously?

(Username): Yep.

StayHey: I hate you.

(Username): Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

FrenchFry: Oooooo.

BurnBabyBurn: Well shit, (Y/N).

HotPants: Damn.

(Username): I don't know if these are compliments but, thanks.

StayHey: Ok. I'm sorry. I thought having you as a friend might be nice but, you are actually a real bitch.

(Username): Come on, it was a joke! I'm sorry.

StayHey: Whatever.

(Username): Well, I have to go. See you all tonight.

*End of conversation*

You asked your mom if you could go. She said yes. Thomas's parents allowed him to go too. After Burr and Madison left, you were so tired from Thomas earlier, you just wanted to sleep. You and Thomas took a nap together. Laying there next to him was always your highlight of the day. As you were thinking of Thomas, you began to think: I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. I want to tell my children, I met their dad in college. One day, I may find my self raising his child. I love this man. "Please never leave me," you mumbled to your self, after he already passed out. You began to dose off.


Hey! I should be back on track with my updates now. I was begging my mom to let me go to my friend's house. She has wifi. I'm sorry if you have been waiting for smut but, I tried. It might suck. Also, hey, I swore. Yes I do swear. Not often but I am in a pissy mood. I hate not having wifi. It's no fun. The only thing with wifi on it is my mom's and dad's phones. Neither of them have wattpad. I have a phone but, I have no minutes. Anyway, it's 4:13 am. I'm tired. Word count: 1320 Thanks!

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