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You need answers, and you needed them now. You woke up early and went to Starbucks. You got the normal order. when you got home, you made breakfast. You felt hands rap around you. Thomas was awake. "Good morning," you said. "Hi," he whispered in your ear before gently placing a kiss on your check. You turned around to look at him. He was once again shirtless. You began to blush. You locked eyes with him. "Don't you dare tell anyone of our little thing last night," you snap. "I've told you before, I would never. Honestly, if you didn't hide the fact that we sometimes have a moment where we just need each other, then me and Hercules wouldn't be fighting. You tell me not to tell people these things, but keeping secrets can cause fights. It's called cause and effect, darling. Study." Thomas said, walking off to get breakfast. "I guess you're right. If he had known before he wrote the note, then he would know I'm taken. I can't blame him. I'm the one to blame here..." you said before shoving a fork full of (favorite breakfast) into you mouth. "Don't beat yourself up. I'm to blame too. If I told you I liked you back in middle school, we would be in a better state now." he confessed. "We would?" you said confused. "Assuming you liked me then," he said. "Well I mean, I have always had a crush on you. From the moment I met you, I liked you. I always thought you didn't notice me. Every time I found out you had a girl friend, I was devastated. Then you started picking on Alex and I wanted to kill you. I hated you. I was actually planing how to get revenge. I was the one who left the note in your locker. I asked you to meet me in the woods. I sent Angelica after you. One: because I'm weak and I knew you could probably just pick me up and throw me. Two: I loved you and I didn't want you hating me. Not anymore! I choose you. Also, are we a thing then?" you confessed, and questioned. Thomas looked at you and smiled. "I was actually going to ask you the same thing. My answer is yes, what about you?" he said. You smirked. "Well... I guess so... I mean of course I have to find a way to tell my friends that I'm dating the guy who attacked Alexander, and Hercules," you said. Thomas's smile faded. He got a nervous look on his face. "S... so then, will you be my... girlfriend?" he asked. "Oh. My. Dear. Lord. I thought you would never ask! I was going to die if this conversation didn't lead to this! I. Would. Love. To. Be. Your. Girlfriend!" you almost screamed. Thomas picked you up. He hugged you tightly. "(Y/N), I think I'm in love," Thomas said through tears of joy. " Yeah... I think I'm in love, too," you said, also through tears of joy. You and him had a cliche kissing moment. After that, you had to go to school at some point. You finished getting ready. Thomas finally put a shirt on. You left together.

In class, Mr. Washington made a seating chart. There was no reason why. He did move you away from Thomas. He put everyone who was on one side of the debate to one side of the room. The rest to the other. You still sat next to Alex though. That was good. Class was the same as usual. Just boring. Before you knew it the bell rang.

*Time Skip*

Hercules was avoiding you, no doubt. Thomas stayed close, but at a distance so it didn't seem that you were together. Peggy and John wanted to know what happened when you went home. As for (B/F), Angelica, Eliza, Alex, and Lafayette... well, they had no idea what was happening. You explained what happened, and that you don't have a crush on Hercules, but you do on Thomas, and how you don't want to loose Hercules as a friend or break his heart. Shocked, they all just stared. "How are you going to tell Hercules?" John asked quietly. "I don't know..." you admit.

*Time Skip*

Drama. The one place where you get to kiss Thomas... during school hours! By now, everyone knew their lines for the play. "King" George now had to teach the actions. He also, took measurement for the costumes. Yes. Costumes. After all that, you got some time to practice your parts. Angelica turned into the leader some how. She started guiding people around. She was telling people how to do there moves and say their lines. The class did a quick run though the whole play. Right as soon as you were about to kiss Thomas, the bell rang. You quickly smashed your face into his. "Alright, alright, let's go," John said. Hercules was Pairs in the play so he really hated Thomas right now. He had no choice but to talk to you during the run through, so as soon as class was over he ran out of the room.

On your way to math class, you and Thomas were walking together, fingers intertwined with each other's. Of course you let go when you saw Hercules, but that wasn't often. In class it was just boring. Some new kid named George Eaker sat in your seat. Madison wasn't at school. He usually sat next to Thomas. You sat in his seat. Thomas smirked. "Want to show Hercules, you chose me?" Thomas questioned. "No, not yet. Keep your voice down he might hear. Oh and, meet me in the back parking lot after school," you said. " Fine," he said. Class went fast. After class you ran up to Hercules and asked him the same thing you asked Thomas, to meet you in the back parking lot after school.

In history class, you had to sit next to Hercules. You were inbetween him and Lafayette. Thomas was right in front of you, Burr in front of Lafayette, if he were there, then Madison in front of Hercules. Mr. Seabury was teaching the class about the proceedings of the continental congress. Something landed on your desk. A small piece of paper. It said: "Did you make up your mind?" You assumed it was from Hercules. It was his writing. You looked at him. He looked at you. You write: "I have made up my mind," and passed it back. Some how, Mr. Seabury didn't see it or just didn't care. He was looking right at you and Hercules. The bell rang and scared you. You walked out, not waiting for anyone.

You put your things away and headed out the door towards the back parking lot. Hercules and Thomas were there shortly after. "Ok, I have an answer. Just promise me one thing first, who ever it isn't, please don't hate me for ever," you start. The men nod. " Ok... Hercules, you are a kind, sweet, funny, cinnamon roll. Thomas, you are a protective, lovable, smart, rich southerner. I am a (description of you). I'm not saying you're not smart, Hercules. I'm not saying you're not funny, Thomas. These are just the characteristics that stick out. I love you both. Just not the same way. One of you will be my friend, or at least, an acquaintance. One of you will be my lover. Please don't hate me. Hercules... I'm sorry, I choose Thomas," you felt bad, but you didn't like Hercules that way. Of course, the poor cinnamon roll had a meltdown. For some reason, the only thing you could think to do was call Lafayette. He came fast. You explained what happened. He understood and helped his friend. You watched as the French fry worked his magic. You looked at Thomas for two seconds. You looked back and the French man was kissing the Irish one. You smiled. Hercules had stopped crying as soon as Lafayette put his hand on his face before they kissed. Lafayette, still kissing, held up a thumb, then motioned for you to leave. You and Thomas walked away. You went home, ate diner, and cuddled while watching a movie. Thomas arm that was on your shoulder shifted to your waste. You looked at Thomas. He looked at you. "What?" he said. "Your hand that's what," you said. " What about it?" he said, a smirk developing. "It's. Cold," you said. " So?" he shrugged. "Let me warm it," you said (A/N: I know what you're thinking you dirty perv!). His face went red. "Um... O... Ok," he squeaked. You grabbed his hand. You held it in your over heated hands, and kissed it. You kissed up his arm until you made it to his face. You kissed his cheek, then his lips. He didn't resist. He happily kissed back. He layed down, pulling you with him. After only kissing, Thomas got up. He picked you up, and carried you to his room. From there, you can guess what happened...


Hi! Well, I just want to say, Thomas is the right choice! Good things are yet to come! I'm sorry if you like Hercules, but this is a Jefferson x Reader, not a Hercules x Reader. Sorry! Word count: 1559 Thanks!

I think I'm in love(Jefferson x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz