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*Three Months Later*

You and Thomas had been living a normal life. Going to school. Morning sickness. Your stomach growing every day. Not much had really happened. You didn't have class today. You and Thomas were going to set up the baby room today. You and him were at the store. You had a crib, baby mattress, covers, and some toys in the cart. After some more shopping, you and Thomas paid and left.

At home, you got right to work. The crib was together. The shelves were up. You were decorating. Thomas was making lunch. "Lunch is ready, darlin," Thomas said, leaning against the door frame. You looked at him. "Ok, I'll be right there," you said, getting up off the floor. You walked into the kitchen. You sat at the table. You and Thomas ate, then you went back to decorating. You had a doctor appointment today, it was in an hour. After you finished decorating, you took a shower, then got ready for the doctor's. You were hoping to find out the gender. You were on your way. Thomas was driving.

You soon arrived at the doctor's office. After some waiting, you were called by the doctor. They did an ultra-sound. "Well, she's healthy," the doctor said. "She?" you asked. "Yes! It's a girl," she said. "Oh my GOD!!!" you exclaimed. Thomas was smiling wildly.

*Time Skip*

You decided to add some pink to her room. You only had one question. "What should we name her?" you thought out loud. "I don't know. Didn't you say Emma, Belle, or Adelaide?" Thomas said. "Oh yeah, but which one?" you said. "I don't know," he said again. "I have an idea," you said. You grabbed your phone. You texted the group chat.

(Username): IT'S A GIRL!!!

Hamsandwitch: What's her name?

(Username): Haven't decided. I want your guys's opinion. #1. Emma. #2. Belle. #3. Adelaide.

FrenchFry: Adelaide.

BurnBabyBurn: Emma.

StayHey: Emma.

HotPants: Belle.

Hamsandwitch: Emma.

TurtleBoy: Emma.

WaitForIt: Belle.

andPEGGY: Peggy.

(Username): That wasn't an option.

andPEGGY: You didn't say we had to choose one of those.

(Username): True.

(B/F): Emma.

WERK: Adelaide.

DearTheadosia: Adelaide.

MadTeddyBear: Belle.

(Username): Thank you all. Looks like it's Emma.

You put your phone down. "I guess it's Emma," you said. "Alright," Thomas said. He went over to the cabinet under the sink. He grabbed a wooden bored, and a Sharpie. He wrote "Emma" in fancy, cursive letters. "Want to come to a craft store with me?" he asked. "Yes!" you said. It wasn't the best idea he had.

You kept putting things in the cart. You had a chest you wanted to use for Emma's toys. You had a small dresser you wanted for Emma's clothes, and a bunch of other stuff you wanted. Then, you noticed, Thomas wasn't with you anymore. You walked around looking for him. He just wasn't there. Then you remembered why you were here. You looked by the glitter paint. Still no Thomas. You got worried. "Thomas? Thomas?" you began saying softly, so you wouldn't disturb the whole store. You looked over the shelves. You saw something that might have been his hair. You walked over there. It was Lafayette and Hercules. "Hey guys. Have you seen Thomas? I lost him," you asked. Lafayette peeked over the shelves. He was taller so he could see better. "There he is," he said pointing at an aisle that held only magenta things. You face-palmed. "I should have checked there first. Thanks guys," you said. "Of course," Lafayette said. "Hey. Out of curiosity, can we be uncles? You know, to Emma," Hercules asked. "Of course you can. I don't think she could have any better uncles," you said smiling, then walked away to find Thomas. You made your way to the magenta aisle. "Thomas," you said. "Oh! There you are! I was looking for you, but I got distracted," he said, pulling you into a hug. "You're an ass," you said. He planted a very passionate kiss on you lips. "Am I still an ass?~" he asked. "Hmm... not right now," you said. He smirked. "Let's go home," he said. "Did you find what you were looking for?" you asked. "Yeah," he said. You paid, and went home.

You set up Emma's dresser, and toy chest. Thomas offered to help, but you refused. "No thanks. You know what you can do though? Could you please make a run to the store? I was thinking, we could paint a family tree on her wall. We need paint though," you said. "Sure, what colors?" he asked. "How about bubble gum pink, and white," you answered. "Ok. I'll be back later then," he said then turned and left.

*Time Skip*

You had just put the finishing touches on Emma's room, then remember you had home work from Mr. Washington. You finished that up. Thomas wasn't home yet so you turned on Miranda. While that was playing, you decided to read a book called Lin-Manual Miranda. It was the book that the musical was based off of (A/N: Get my reference?). You got to about the third page then fell asleep.

Thomas's pov

I got to the craft store. I found the paint that (Y/N) wanted. I also got some paint brushes and paint trays. Then, I paid, and went home. I walked in the door to the apartment. I heard music. (Y/N) was sleeping on the couch. I picked her up, as if she was a baby. I needed to practice anyway. I set her in our bed, put the blanket over her then laid down next to her. Eventually, I fell asleep, too.


Hey! I have returned. Yes, this is a real chapter. Yes, I'm still sick. Yes, I'm still barely eating. I had some chicken nuggets, and a hotdog yesterday. It's a start. Thanks again for 1.74k I still can't believe that. I love you people so much. I feel like this chapter is short. Word count: 1003 Thanks!

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