Chapter 25

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Annabeth's POV:

"Percy! There's water!" his eyes snapped open, and he let out a strangled cry as he cushioned our fall. I struggled with keeping him afloat. Thank the gods we landed in the river called Cocytus, one of the better rivers in Tartarus. But, it is the river of sorrows. "Percy you have to swim. I need you to help me."

"There's no hope Annabeth. I have no family other than my sister. A sister who despises me for leaving the pack. I have a death sentence ordered by my own father."

I grabbed his face, "Percy please swim for me. If not for you do it for me." A tear slid down my face.

"My own godly parent wished she had me killed. She said for herself when I saw her for the first time since I was three. She wished she killed me because the gods punished her for breaking her oath."

I cried as I held him afloat, "Percy tell me about New Rome and our future." His clouded eyes cleared a little.

"Our future?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yes, our future. Now, Percy, I need you to get us out of the river." He nodded and we gasped as we laid down on the ground. Percy's teeth chattered, "Percy I don't have my dagger."

He felt his pockets and sighed, "I have Riptide. Come on Annabeth we have to get moving." He wiped his forehead, "Gods it's hot." He looked me over once before we searched the debris. I pulled out a drakon bone sword.

"I guess this will do." We swung our arms around each other and began walking through the monsters realm.

Percy sniffed the air, "We need to move quietly and as silent as possible. We both have many enemies who would like to get revenge."

"I thought you said in the monster realm you are the monster."

"That was when I was in a pack. Now that I have been exiled I would assume the word has gotten around." Percy wasn't kidding, at least we had Bob and little Bob to help us out.

**********************************************************Oh Look A Time Skip****************************************************************

We finally arrived at the doors. Percy was panting as he struggled to hold the elevator doors shut as Bob stayed behind to help us. Our skin was burnt and we were filthy. The elevator stopped, "Annabeth I do believe elevators are supposed to open, am I correct?"

"Yes, don't worry we don't need to panic. I'm sure the others will get us out of here." I sighed in relief when they opened and Hazel manipulated the mist to get us out. We were shadow traveled out and landed on the hill side.

Hazel pulled me in a hug while Leo grinned like a maniac, "I'm so happy you guys made it."

Percy laughed and laid on the ground sighing with relief, "I missed fresh air." He put his hand in the grass and a small little tree grew with bright red apples. He tossed one to me, "Try them. Freshly grown." He winked and began to toss apples to everyone. He looked to Nico, "I thought you were leaving."

"I had to keep my promise and meet you on the other side. Reyna and Coach will help me bring the Athena Parthenos to Camp." I smiled

I smiled, "well should we at least have some dinner first before parting ways."

Percy stood, "Since we are on land, I'm so going for a run." He took off running and shifted. He looked back once giving us a wolfish grin before running off.

Leo looked over at me, "So, has he used the armor yet?"

I shook my head, "We've been a little tied up." I rubbed my arms shaking off the memories.

Piper sat next to me, "What happened down there?"

I looked away, "Percy protected me but not once did he shift. We were cursed by Arai and I went blind but Percy. He did horrible things to monsters and even demigods when he was with his father."

"What kind of curses?"

"Every time we hit one of them we were inflicted by a curse that made us feel what we did to others. Percy was down for the count with Gorgon poison rushing through his blood. But there were worse things than that."

Hazel walked over with Reyna, "Food is ready. How do we get Percy's attention?"

"Oh, he'll smell the food and will come running." We walked back on the Argo and I sat on the deck.

I laughed when I felt Percy nudge my shoulder with his giant muzzle, "Percy you need to shift otherwise no dinner for you."

He shifted, "you are cruel. I heard what you said. Why did you tell them about Akhlys?"

I met his gaze, "You snapped but I know deep down that is not who you are." I rested my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it.

"Then who am I?"

"You are not a monster and not your father in any way. What she said to you was only to anger you, it wasn't the truth." He closed his eyes and kissed my palm.

"I love you Annabeth," He looked up at the sky which held a dozen stars that twinkled above us, "Bob says hello."

I wiped a tear from his cheek, "let's go eat." We walked into the seating area and caught up on what we missed.

"Leo, we are on course for Athens?"

"Yes, chica we are all set. So, Percy, would you like to see if that armor will work?"

Percy shrugged, "I guess now would be a great time to see if it works." He shifted and flicked his paw back triggering the armor. It was a very light color which had waves etched into the metal.

I walked around Percy in awe, "Leo this is amazing!"

Percy walked around and stretched, I felt his connection, "Does it fit? It's not heavy."

Leo looked around, "what was that?"

Percy looked at him, "I can create a connection so I can speak in my wolf form."

Leo nodded, "cool, I didn't know you can do that. So here, is where arrows can be in for easy access and this is to make it easier to keep your footing like riding a horse."

I looked to Percy and he lowered himself down. I swung my leg over, "Leo this is perfect. I'm sure any archer will thank you." I hoped off.

Percy flicked his paw again and the armor went back to being a watch or what ever it turns into when he shifts. Percy shifted back, "Leo, thank you. This is awesome, you did an amazing job."

"I aim to please. Well, I should go back up to the control room."

I looked over at Percy, "I'm guessing you are going to use that armor every time you shift."

He smirked, "Probably. Now I'm starved should we go eat breakfast?"

"Percy you already had breakfast."

He held his hands up, "well would you like to go eat a second breakfast?"

I laughed, "Well, let's go Seaweed Brain."

I am sorry for jumping around but I don't want to rewrite everything. 

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