Chapter 4

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Major time skip! 

Percy's POV age ten

I ran through the forest following a fresh scent of a hellhound group with the hunters closely behind. My huge paws trampled through the thick underbrush. I am happy to say I finally had my huge growth spurt so my wolf form is the size of a normal adult wolf so Zoe can no longer carry me around. I slowed down for the girls to catch up until I heard a growl that I know didn't come from a hellhound. I look back towards the very slow hunters which was  my mistake. A huge brown werewolf comes crashing into me. His jaws snap at my neck and I quickly roll out of the way. This is such an unfair fight because he is huge! I reach for his front leg and tear through muscle making him yelp in pain.

"Enough boy! You are coming with me!" I didn't like the sound of that because there is no way in hades that I am going anywhere with him!

"I don't think so." I jump in the air and crash him into the ground with our jaws snapping trying to find something to bite. I yelped as he dug his teeth into my back tearing through muscle and dislocating some ribs. I twist out of his grip and bit his already injured leg. We rolled around with our jaws snapping, trying to find a weak spot.

  Where are the freaking hunters! They must have heard our fight and started running in our direction.

"What do you want with me!" I growl as he jumped on me and pinned me to the ground.

"I don't want you, your father does. You are just making this harder for yourself." He shifts and replaces the brown wolf with a man with brown hair and blue eyes holding a syringe filled with some kind of liquid. I quickly shift and start pushing his arm away that is holding the syringe. Damn this guy is strong!

"Why does my father want me?" I growl in frustration as he starts pushing down on my arm harder.

"You are his son and the eldest of his children to take control of his pack. He wants you to be broken in and be tamed since your mother hid you." Wait did he say eldest of his children?

"Wait I have a sibling?"

"Yeah, a sister who is eight." I have a sister who is alone with Lycaon and no one to protect her. I couldn't keep his arm away from me and he plunges the syringe in my neck. He smiles "See that wasn't so hard now was is?" My eyes start closing and blackness fills my vision. The last thing I remember was Zoe running in the clearing and shooting my attacker, killing him.

Percy's POV

I slowly took a deep breath to smell the air and smell a hot day in the summer and the forest with wild flowers. Artemis and Apollo's scents. Why is Apollo here oh yeah I was attacked. I feel pain radiate through my body making my muscles tighten and untighten.

Artemis's voice that has calmed, yelled, or just giving me motherly advice radiated through the room "How is he?" I slowly open my yellow eyes to find her running her fingers through my hair.

"I have to reset his ribs before they heal wrong. Oh great, he is awake this will be fun." He says sarcastically. Wait... reset my bones oh gods the fates must hate me! Apollo looks down at me "Well let's get this over with. Please just don't bite me."

I roll my eyes "No promises instinct might take over." Artemis laughs while Apollo only frowns. He puts his hands on my protruding ribs making me cry out in pain.

"Sorry kid this is going to hurt very badly." He adds more presser and I could feel my ribs moving back to where they are supposed to be, all I could do was scream. For what seemed like hours Apollo finally finished moving my ribs back in place. "All right I am going to wrap around your ribs and close up your back wounds." Once he finished he gave me some sort of medication for pain. He turns to Artemis "his body heat will burn up the medication in an hour so have someone here at all times for when the pain killers stop working."

"Thank you, brother."

"No problem little sis." Apollo flashes out leaving Artemis and I in the tent. Holy crap I feel like my body on fire because it's trying to heal itself.

"Percy what happened?"

I tell her how Lycaon is searching for me and everything about the fight. I told her I have a sister who is eight "I have to get her away from my father. What do I do because the werewolf said he would hurt the hunters if I didn't go with him."

Artemis listened and held on to every word "Well he can't have you because you are my little boy and I raised you since you were three, so. You. Are. Mine." I smile at her remembering when she made herself look older so she could be age appropriate for a mom.

"And you are a great mother just so you know." I gasped as pain racked my body.

Artemis has a concerned facial expression "You should try and get some sleep." She rubs circles on my forehead which aways helped me fall asleep when I was little. I close my eyes and fall into a dreamless sleep.

Authors note:

All righty so how was this chapter? What will happen with Percy and Lycaon? I know not my best chapter so I will add more of an explanation in the next chapter. This chapter is leading up to the plot since I really want Percabeth and some fun stuff at Camp Half Blood! Well please comment I would love to know what you think.

Stay awesome, 


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