Chapter 11

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Percy's POV

After being swarmed by the hunters I finally got to sleep without fear of tomorrow or having to ask myself "will I get punished today?". I slept like a pup would after a long day of playing. I had to stay in Zoe's arms while we sleep in my wolf form of course because I would be freezing and Zoe kind of yelled at me saying if I ever ran off again she would skin me alive. She even gave me a sword named Anaklusmos aka riptide. Zoe said it should go back to sea and since she said it was because Poseidon blessed me. (I only told Zoe and Artemis) They taught me how to fight sword but it came naturally to me. Zoe said I was an expert at it. I am able to fight as I quote "like a master sword man from those movies" to yours truly Phoebe.

I told everyone what happened to me excluding the worst punishment or "lesson" that has made me broken on the inside and disgusted with myself. I hate myself for it and it's they very reason why I made the deal with my father and it was to protect Nyla from his lessons. It's been almost a week and the sun was just starting to come over the horizon casting a warm glow.

I woke up to everyone running around gathering things and yelling. Lots of yelling. Zoe ran into the tent "Percy! We are leaving quick!"

I shifted into my human form "Why? What's wrong?"

I sniffed the air and could smell their fear wafting in the air "Lady Artemis has gone missing. We must leave and get help."

I stood quickly grabbing my things in seconds because well being a werewolf has its perks "Where are we going and how long has she been missing?" I just got back to my family and now Artemis has gone missing. Why do bad things happen to me?

Zoe pushed me out of the tent along with Phoebe who helped dismantle all the tents "We think last night but we don't know for sure and for help we are going to Camp-half-blood. One of their campers went missing too and a camper named Luke sided with Kronos so we mustn't be late." She whistled making my cringe as my sensitive ears rang. "Hunters! Let's go lady Artemis has gone missing along with a camper named Annabeth! We must head to Camp Half-blood for aid to save Lady Artemis and Annabeth!"

Phoebe walked along side with Zoe as I took the other side in my wolf form. Phoebe smiled "Percy you have gotten big! Can ride on your back?"

I flicked my ears in annoyance as she climbed on my back and dug her feet into my sides. I stood taller as she pulled her bow out "Yes I can shoot while riding your back!"

I growled, "I am not a horse!"

Zoe laughed while Phoebe kicked my side "On wards my noble steed!"

I grinned inwardly and took off charging into the forest. Phoebe screamed as we nearly dodged a tree branch. My large paws flinging dirt back as they dug into the soft earth. I kept running as Phoebe changed position so she could hold her bow. I heard her crank the arrow back and it snap back as the arrow went flying into the middle of a tree. "Good Job Phoebe! Try again while I jump."

I heard her take a breath "I better not fly off into a tree." I laughed as I sped up. I saw a branch laying in the grass and started getting ready to jump. I leaped into the air as Phoebe strung her bow and let out a breath of air. The arrow embedded itself in the middle of the tree trunk. I barked in excitement as Phoebe cheered. I turned back around and swiftly ran back to the others.

Zoe was smiling as we came into view. She shook her head as I walked next to her with Phoebe still on my back. She held her hand out and scratched behind my ear "So Phoebe is it possible to shoot from his back?"

"Sure is although I felt like I might fall on the ground but other than that it's safe to say you can."

I opened my mind to them "So I was just an experiment. But this will be great in battle."

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