Chapter 24

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Hey, guys! How is everyone's summer going? 

Annabeth's POV:

I slid clothes in the cage for Percy; I left it cracked open before walking back up to the deck. Everyone sat eating breakfast looking utterly exhausted. Leo blew his cheeks out, "so once a month he goes through that, and we won't get any sleep because he wouldn't stop trying to get out."

I sighed, "Yeah, I guess he didn't like it in there."

We all stopped when we heard footsteps coming up to the stairs. Percy was mumbling and scratching the back of his head. He looked up at me, "Sorry if I kept any of you up."

Hazel smiled, "you didn't-"

Percy held his hand up, "You don't need to lie. I'm going to get food."

Leo ran up to Percy, "Percy, I have so many questions about this whole werewolf thing. Plus, I made this for you and the other two werewolves." He handed Percy a watch which Percy looked at confused.

"What is this?"

Leo frowned, "It's a watch made with silver dipped in celestial bronze. This way it will stay with you when you shift, and it will expand to fit around your leg."

"What is a watch?" He tapped the middle of it.

I smiled, "it's to tell time Percy. I think you will like what this watch does."

Leo smiled brightly, "It's armor for you when you are a wolf. I helped out my fellow sibling who were creating your armor since when you are a wolf your back is vulnerable And this will make it easier for people to ride on your back for battle. Try it out I want to know if it works."

Percy yawned and rubbed his stomach, "after I eat otherwise you might be a tasty snack."

Leo laughed nervously, as Percy walked away, "Annabeth he was kidding right?"

I shrugged, "maybe." I followed Percy.

"Annabeth! That doesn't make me feel any better! Was he kidding?" The others were laughing, and Percy looked over his shoulder with a smirk plastered on his face.

After Percy ate we all gathered to make a plan, "I need to find the Athena Parthenos to help my mother and stop the war between the camps. Percy, you, Piper, and Jason should scout the Colosseum, Frank, Hazel, and Leo you need to search for Nico."

Percy sighed, "I don't like splitting up, but it's the best plan so far to cover as much ground as possible." I met Percy's eyes which swirled with power. He nodded and looked around, "is everyone ready?"

"I'm ready to find my brother," Hazel said as she stood.

Percy pulled me in a hug and nuzzled my neck, "I promise we won't be apart long. I never want to lose you like that again."

I smiled and pecked his lips, "I'll be safe. See you soon."


Percy's POV:

Seeing Annabeth covered in webs and blood made my heart pound against my chest. I rushed to her and pulled her in my arms, "I'm okay Percy. I had some ambrosia, so I'll be good as new soon."

"I know but, I couldn't help but worry. We need to hurry Jason will be back soon. My hand tightened around her. That's when everything went to hell, literally. "Annabeth!" I lunged for her as she was being dragged by Arachne's webs. I slid down with her and over the edge. I cried out as I held the ledge, Nico reaching out for us.

"Percy you have to let me go."

I growled with frustration, "I can't lose you again Wise girl." I looked up at Nico, "Promise me you'll meet us on the other side, Nico! Promise me!"

"I promise."

I looked down at Annabeth, "We're staying together. I won't lose you again."

I could smell the salt from her, as she cried "as long as we're together." Then I let go. I winced as the sound of the wind rushed passed us. We held each other and Annabeth pressed her face into my neck, "I love you."


Hazel's POV:

We all sat on the deck of the Argo in utter helplessness. We all watched Jason who kept pacing, "If only I was faster I could've helped them."

Piper sighed, "Sparky you can't blame yourself. They are Percy and Annabeth; they will survive."

Leo sat next to me, "Plus Percy can turn into a giant wolf I think he can take care of himself and Annabeth."

Nico held his knees to his chest, "I promised Percy we would meet them at the doors so let's keep that promise."

I wiped my face and stood, "well Leo you're the captain of this ship get us to the doors. Percy and Annabeth will be fine, Nico once we meet back up with Percy and Annabeth you will get the Athena Parthenos to Camp-Halfblood. We need to prevent another war before anyone gets hurt."

Frank nodded, "we all need to rest for a few hours. Who wants to take the first shift?"

Jason and Piper rose their hands, "we will. Leo you should rest."

He shook his head, "I can't I need to get us on course." We all nodded and parted ways. Truthfully I don't think any of us got good sleep. Percy and Annabeth will be okay just like Leo said. We were all silent and agitated as we sailed to the doors

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