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Dedicated to the bitches who practically forced me to update

Why does god hate me so much ?

Why does blake always out of nowhere comes in front of me. Well not in really in front me but directly opposite to my locker with his gang.

I don't think there are many chances of him seeing me cause there are so many other students in the hallway.

Breathe Sarah breathe

Alright all I need to do is quietly go to my locker without catching any attention then grab my book and then run for my life.

But Blake being Blake saw me, looking straight in my eyes I couldn't hold his intense gaze so I turned my face in other way trying to cover my face with my hair.

But still I could feel him staring at me and me heart beat quickened. Even though Blake was standing there with some people around him no one dared to turn around and look at me.

After all this trouble I finally reached my locker. I could still feel his eyes boring hole on my back.

I just wanted to get out from here

As I was hurriedly taking out my books two muscular arms wrapped around my waist I froze.

"You are looking good today doll" Blake said

"Th..Thanks ?" Why do I never have hold on myself.

He let out chuckle probably because of my nervousness.

"I like it when you are afraid of me" he said bitting my earlobe. All this time I was not facing but he turned me around and pushed me agianst the locker.

He put a strand of my hair behind my ear. And cupped my face. Bringing his lips close to mine brushing them but not kissing me well thank you for that.

"Do I make you nervous baby doll" he said teasingly


"" I said.

"I don't like liars doll" his voice was becoming more serious now.

"Sorry" there was no point to argue with him.

"We have class now Blake " I said trying out get some space between us. But he wasn't having any of it.

"So..?" Here it comes again the careless attitude.

"We'll be late and Mrs Collins will give us detention " I said almost pleading.

"Why are so scared about everything doll"

Well that's known as caring about your future and career not being scared you idiot but I kept that thought to myself.

I just shrugged my shoulder trying to end this conversation. And lo and behold it worked.

He pulled away from me took my hand intertwining our fingers together we started walking towards the class.

Unfortunately Blake and I had the same class. And we were already five minutes late. So that means even more drama.

He casually slammed the door open turning the attention of the class towards him. I tried to hide myself behind his huge figure.

"Why are you late Mr.Carter ?"

"Oops my bad" Blake said clearly not interested in this conversation.

There were many oohs and aahs from the last benches

The teacher just shook his head at him. There was no point to give blake a detention cause he would continue coming late anyway.

Then he turned his attention towards me.
His eyes fell on our hands and stayed there for a moment and so did the whole class. I heard some whispering but couldn't make eye contact with anyone due to embarrassment.

"And you miss ?" Mr Collins questioned me.

I opened my mouth but couldn't say anything due to anxity.

"She was with me." Blake said.

Blake started to walk to the last bench, his hand not living mine making me walk behind him.

All students were gawking at us. I looked down but Blake being totally opposite was walking his head held high. No doubt he was used to this attention but this is all new for me and I don't plan on continuing this.

We had benches for two in our school. Blake made me sit in the corner towards wall and he himself was sitting beside me a little too close.

His hand was resting on my thighs in a possessive manner looking straight ahead. I shifted uncomfortably with his hand still on lap.

By this time the Mr Collins and the whole class went back to whatever they were doing.

Well it is going to be a long class.


I would like if you check out my second book

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