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Dedicated to: @Estupid203 😉

Narrators POV.

Sarah's gaze slowly fell upon Blake,

" I never touched you, at least not that night."

All this time of knowing Blake, being around him either willing or unwilling, she'd never seen him like this.

So vulnerable. never seen those eyes filled with so many emotions.

"Blake.. I".  She started but failed miserably, the mind and mouth no longer working together.

" I don't see what this conversation would change, so we're going to stop right here." he continued in a dismissive tone any signs of emotions now vanished.

Before Sarah could protest, Brooklyn did.

" I think it's better if you get it out of the way, it would only help-"

" I don't see how any of this concerns you."  Blakes's voice interrupted him in a rather rude manner.

"Of course it fucking does, you're my brother and her well... I do care about her not in that manner, but I do."  he protested, Growing irritation evident in his voice.

Blake was starting to lose his temper too

" you're very lucky you're my brother, anyone else would have lost their tongue by now."

Now there's a thing about temper in this family, that it simply did not exist.

"SHUT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK UP" Brooklyn yelled.

Brooklyn's voice was loud enough to even catch blake off guard, He shrank before his elder brother. Now Blake might go around acting like he owned every, but technically he did not the whole family did and very unlucky for him, he just happens to be the younger one.

Brooklyn took long and fast strides towards Blake, even though the younger was as little as an inch or two taller than the older but still, it was quite evident that the older had the upper hand. But after all, Blake wouldn't be Blake if he went down without a fight, he firmly stood his ground staring back at his brother with the same intensity.

"you don't fucking tell me what to do, you get that." replied the younger one, pointing a finger at his brother adding weight to his statement.

Both of them were in a threatening stance, teasing each other to make the first move, this scared Sarah she worried that they might pounce on each other at any moment now. After what felt like an eternity, Sarah gathered the courage to intervene, someone had to, and it happened to be her. She slowly stretched her shaking arm to take hold of Brooklyn's elbow, solely because he stood closer to her than the other, she softly tugged him backwards and towards herself. This did not go unnoticed by blake, his eyes following Sarah's every movement.

Brooklyn turned his head towards Sarah, he had never seen her like this, so frightened, seeing her like this, her panic-stricken face on the verge of crying he decided to be the bigger man and de-escalate the situation. he moved away from his brother decreasing the tension in the room. rubbed his palms on his face and let out an exaggerated sigh.

This time with his hands on either side of his waist he spoke with calmness in his, " look brother I understand this has nothing to do with me, but this has everything to do with Sarah and you need to understand it. she's already been through a lot and she deserves to know. "

Blake was leaning against the wall looking defeated, staring intently at his shoes. contemplating about what to do. Sarah's voice broke him out of his stance.

" please blake please tell me, what happened that night ?' she pleaded.

"I don't know what happened I just saw that son of a bitch matt trying to get you in one of... one of the rooms... I don't know why but something in me just snapped, I couldn't possibly let him do anything wrong to you... fuck this... I can't do it." Blake straightened him and headed towards the door.

"blake stop."

he didn't.

" If you don't tell her I will"

hearing his brother words Blake came to stand still, his back towards both of them standing on the threshold of the room, clutching the doorknob, he contemplated again for a few moments but continued anyway. the door shutting with a loud bang behind him.

Sarah rushed to Brooklyn's side, tugged on his arm as desperately as a child to their mother.

" please tell me Brooklyn I need to know"

" yes, I will. but I need you to sit down first"

Brooklyn removed his arm from her grasp and placed it on her back guiding her towards the bed. After settling her down he sat down beside her.

" you remember attending a party during the first year ?" he inquired.

'yes I do, I went there with my friends and my boyfriend I mean ex-boyfriend"

" yes you did, and about that guy, I never met him personally but he's a piece of shit'

' why do say that? "

'i wasn't  present at the party that day but ill tell you all I know okay ?"

Sarah nodded in response.

"how much do you remember ?"

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