What Comes Next

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After she left Logan's apartment, Rory went back to her own place to shower and get changed. As she stood in the shower letting the warm water wash over her, all she could think about was how the events of the previous night had played out. It had felt like it had taken them a really long time to get to this point but Rory was so happy with how things had gone. She just hoped that this remained a positive step forward for them and that they could find a way to build on this. Rory didn't dare allow herself to think too far into the future or picture them together, as a family – she really didn't want to set her hopes too high in case it just led to disappointment.

She headed off to Stars Hollow to see her mom and collect Ava home. When she arrived there Ava was busy happily playing in the living room so after greeting her daughter with a big hug and a kiss, Rory went straight into the kitchen to grab a quick coffee with her mom. They sat down at the table and Rory took a sip of her drink.

"So how was the party last night? Good?" Lorelai asked.

"Oh yeah, it was really good. Steph's parents certainly know how to put on a good party." Rory said, trying to decide how much information she was going to impart on her mom.

"What is that on your neck?" Lorelai said with a raised eyebrow as she pointed to a light bruise on her daughter's neck.

"What?" Rory rubbed her herself self-consciously.

"Oh! Is that...a hickey?" Lorelai whispered. "You've got a hickey!" she exclaimed.

Rory clamped her hand over her neck and her skin tingled as she thought back to the activities of the night before and just how that mark on her neck had come to be in existence. She could feel herself blushing as Lorelai looked at her accusingly.

"You look really weird...I know that look...oh my god you had sex" Lorelai said as she eyed her daughter up. "Eww. You had sex." she groaned.

Rory rolled her eyes and shook her head at her mom.

"Am I right?" Lorelai asked. "I'm right aren't I?"

"Yes," Rory said quietly with a shy smile.

"I knew it! Who...what...where...details please!" Lorelai started to say before she paused. "Oh...I don't really need to ask do I?"

Rory fidgeted a little uncomfortably in her seat. "Probably not...I went home with Logan" she whispered. She really didn't want Ava to hear or pick up on anything yet.

"I've got to say, kid, I'm a little relieved that it was Logan," Lorelai said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Relieved?" Rory looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah! Okay, I've never been his biggest cheerleader but even I can see you're both madly in love with each other, and I'm pretty glad that hickey isn't a result of some random skanky hook-up" she grimaced. "So what does this actually mean for you guys? Was it just a quick 'wham bam thank you ma'am' or is it something more? "

"It's definitely something more." Rory wrinkled her nose. "I mean, we've not really talked about yet but...it felt good."

"Eww," Lorelai said and pulled a face.

"Oh, I don't mean like that! I mean the being together, dancing, talking, laughing." Rory playfully slapped her mom's arm "Though, also...it DID feel really good"

"Okay," Lorelai said closing her eyes. "That's way too much information for me, I'm out," she said as she walked into the living room and Rory followed laughing.


As soon as Rory arrived back home with Ava she dropped her keys onto the counter in her apartment and picked up her cell phone. She sent Logan a quick text to let him know that she was back home and then decided to call her friend for a quick chat. She had run out of Steph's parent's party last night without so much as a goodbye so she felt she owed her some sort of explanation and hoped that she wouldn't be mad at her.

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