Dancing Away

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The next morning Rory found herself sitting outside Ava's Saturday morning dance lesson, nursing a cup of coffee with Steph who after last night's conversation had pretty much insisted on coming along, just so that she and Rory could catch up some more.

"So you're really not going to talk to him about it," Steph asked Rory.

"There's nothing to talk about," Rory said as she sipped her coffee.

"Nothing to talk about. Really? How about the fact that you and the love of your life, the father of your child almost made out last night" Steph smirked, "That's pretty big."

"We weren't going to make out" Rory rolled her eyes "We just had a...moment, that's all."

"You're seriously telling me that it never even crossed your mind?" Steph asked.

Rory pouted. "I...well"

Steph squealed "I knew it!"

Rory shook her head at her friend. "But the moment has passed, there's no need to make things any more awkward than they are undoubtedly going to be."

Steph was just about to question Rory some more about talking to Logan when the door to the hall opened. With the class finished Rory went over to collect Ava from the dance teacher.

"Oh hi," she smiled brightly at Rory "You can go with your mommy now Ava," Sarah said to the little girl as she stood by her side.

"Hey baby girl, did you enjoy your less?" Rory said to her daughter who looked up and nodded at her.

"I learned a new twirl," she said proudly.

"Wow, well I really can't wait to see it. I'm sure daddy will love to hear all about that too" Rory said as she rubbed the top of Ava's head. "Perhaps you can call him later and tell him?"

"Maybe when your daddy brings you again Ava we can show him," the teacher said to Ava.

"I'm sorry?" Rory said a little confused.

"Oh, I met Ava's father last week when he brought her to class." Sarah smiled.

Rory looked at the dance teacher thinking that it was a slightly strange thing for her to bring up. "Oh, yeah, well he brings her along every other week when it's his weekend to have Ava," she said.

"That's nice. We don't really get many fathers coming to lessons so they kind of stick out when they're here. He's very charming" Sarah said. "I can see where Ava gets her dazzling smile from."

Rory furrowed her brow a little. "Yeah...I guess."

"Will he be coming to the dance recital tomorrow?" Sarah asked casually.

"Oh, I don't really know...I haven't mentioned it to him actually, it must have slipped my mind" Rory said. She was feeling a little annoyed by the conversation. It sounded very much like Sarah had taken a liking to Logan and Rory wasn't sure that she was best pleased about that or that she really wanted to be witnessing this starry-eyed look that Ava's dance teacher was currently displaying.

"Ah, I see, well it will be nice to see you there," Sarah said as she walked away to speak to another parent.

Rory turned slowly and raised an eyebrow at Steph "Well that was...weird? Sounds a little like Logan has an admirer, don't you think?"

"I'll say! That was way inappropriate by even my standards and you know my moral compass doesn't exactly point due north" Steph exclaimed. "You want me to go take that bitch down?"

Rory rolled her eyes and shrugged while she smiled at her feisty friend. "No, it's fine. It's not really any of my business what, or for that matter who, Logan does."

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