| 07 | The Forest Of Chakra |

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I haven't even gotten a two-minute rest from the previous chapter, and I'm writing again. Finally, the fighting scenes are over and the first meeting between Tazuna's family is here! Enjoy!

FEEDBACK: Is loved. Simple. (is kunai'd)

WARNING: Foul Language. Slight Crack. Pervertedness. A twist at the end. OOC.

DISCLAIMER: I, LeTiffany, do not own the manga/anime Naruto or its characters. I only own the story plot and the Original Characters (OC) I create. All credits towards Naruto should go to Masashi Kishimoto.


| [(*)] | Music: No Current Music For This Scene | Effects: Seagulls Calling |

You sighed as you walked down the corridor with your team, the two males of said squad bickering. You tuned out their nonsical words as you neared the room where Kakashi was currently resting in. Quickly opening the door, you gestured for your team-mates to quiet down (this was done by a punch to each of their heads). You walked in, your team following suit.

"Aha! Sensei's awake!"

You walked to Kakashi's side, kneeling down next to the futon that he was currently resting on. Sakura followed.

"The Sharingan is amazing, but it puts a lot of strain on your body."

That's only because it's not his Sharingan...no offense or anything.

"I'm not sure if it's good or bad."

"Possibly a little bit of both," you replied, earning a nod from Sakura.

"I'm sorry."

You rolled your eyes.

"Well, you defeated such a strong ninja, so we should be okay for now."

"By the way, who was that boy with the mask?"

"A hunter-nin?" you sarcastically asked, in a 'duh' tone.

"That's right. He was part of the Kirigakure ANBU Unit."


| Music: Naruto OST Album 2 // Song - Confrontment | Effects: No Current Effects |

"They are also known as the fire extinguishing unit, and their job is to erase any evidence that a ninja was alive. A ninja's body will give away secrets of jutsus and chakra of the Village they originated from, any specific medicine that was used on the body, along with other various things.

"For example, if I die, the secret to the Sharingan will be examined. In the worst case scenario, there's a possibility that my techniques, including the Sharingan, will be stolen. In other words, pursuing ninja will kill exiled ninja who have abandoned their Village, dispose of the ninja's body, and stop any secrets of the Village from being revealed. They're field experts."

| [(*)] | Opening Theme: 88 by LM.C | Music: No Current Music For This Scene | Effects: No Current Effects | The Forest Of Chakra ; チャクラの森 |

"What's wrong, sensei?"

Your face became serious as you examined Kakashi.

This is the part where he finds out that Zabuza isn't dead...

"Hm? Oh, what was I talking about before...pursuing ninja are supposed to dispose of the body on the spot."


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