| 03 | Team 7 |

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Fufufu...so...many...ideas...(faints). Anyways, this chapter...I absolutely loved writing it. So...

~ Enjoy.

FEEDBACK: Is greatly loved. GREATLY Loved. Seriously...it is crazy.

WARNING: Foul Language. Slight Crack. Slight Pervertedness.

DISCLAIMER: I, LeTiffany, do not own the manga/anime Naruto or its characters. I only own the story plot and the Original Characters (OC) I create. All credits towards Naruto should go to Masashi Kishimoto.


| [(*)] | Music: Naruto OST Album 2 // Song - Daylight of Konoha | Effects: Birds Chirping And Ramen Slurping |

You sighed as you stretched yourself out.

Wonder what the day is today?

You glanced at the calander.


You stopped in mid-stretch as you ignored the peverted picture, and looked at the circled date.

Explanatory Meeting? Oh! That must mean...

You stopped stretching and looked at the pile of neatly folded clothes sitting on the chair nearby.

We're getting our teams!

You grinned as you grabbed the clothes, before running to the bathroom and locking the door behind you.

| [(*)] | Opening Theme: Surely Your Love Will Skyrocket by Gumi Megpoid | Music: Naruto OST Album 2 // Song - Daylight of Konoha | Effects: Foosteps And Birds Chirping | Team 7 ; チーム7 |

You sighed as you stepped out of the bathroom to examine yourself in the tall mirror.


You grinned.

I'm happy with it, at least.

For the base, you were wearing a sleeveless fishnet shirt. Over that, you wore one of those open long-sleeved Japanese shirts, which pressed against your breasts. The shirt was a light blue, and the sash was a velevety sea blue. The sleeves ended just above your wrists, and the shirt ended just below your pelvis, and a navy blue sash that acted as a belt was wrapped around your pelvis with a thick golden string, which tightened your shirt. You wore black short shorts, and you had bought black zori instead of blue ones. You had also decided to buy black gloves that reached your elbows. Your short hair added the tomboyish effect. You quickly knotted your headband around your neck loosely.

No wonder why Naruto was crying after shopping...this must've cost his whole life savings.

You sweat-dropped at the idea and shook your head.

I look like such a Mary-Sue...

You sighed as you walked into the kitchen, to find Naruto gulping down some milk.

"Oi, Naruto-kun."


He turned his head to you, and nearly dropped the carton of milk. You blushed and looked away as he examined your outfit.

"S-so, how do I look?"


You glanced back at him from the corner of your eye as he gaped at you, with a fury blush over his face.

[In Naruto?!] -- Older Version of Dérive.Where stories live. Discover now