| 04 | Journey To The Land Of Waves! |

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Rewatching another episode! Yaaaaay! (8D) I do love to reminisce about Naruto. Anyways; enough of my rambling. Enjoy the chapter! 'Cause I enjoyed writing it!

FEEDBACK: Will bring you another chapter. And will get you a utter thank-you of gratitude.

WARNING: Foul Language. Slight Crack. Slight Pervertedness.

DISCLAIMER: I, LeTiffany, do not own the manga/anime Naruto or its characters. I only own the story plot and the Original Characters (OC) I create. All credits towards Naruto should go to Masashi Kishimoto.


| [(*)] | Music: Naruto OST Album 1 // Song - Nervous | Effects: No Current Effects |

"This is Sasuke, at Point B."

"This is Sakura, at Point C."

"This is Naruto, at Point A, dattebayo."

"..." You narrowed your eyes at the target, reading to pounce--


"Ah, hai...this is [Name], at Point D," you mumbled into your speaker, and you could just feel your sensei roll his eyes.

"You're slow, Naruto, [Name]," he commented.

"Urusen. At least we're not five hours later than our usual meeting time," you retorted, scoffing.

"Ooh, Kaka-sensei, she got you good," Naruto snickered, but was silenced by your silverette sensei.

"Shh. Yosh, Team Seven...the target has moved. After it!"

You poked your head out from behind the tree trunk.

"Yosh, he's there-ttebayo."

Your team (including you) moved closer to the target; making sure not to be noticed.

"What's the distance from the target?"

"Five meters. I'm ready to go-ttebayo."

"I am, too."

"Me, too."

"...me, three," you finally replied.

"[Name]," was your sensei's word of disapproval.


"Yosh. Go!"

You sighed as you stayed in your spot; as your team-mates jumped out of their hiding spots to pounce on the target.

"I got you!"

You casually walked out from behind the trunk, walking towards Naruto; who was being scratched by a maroon-coloured cat.

"Does it have a ribbon on its right ear? Is it our target, Tora?"

"It's the target, for sure."


You sighed as you knelt down beside the flailing Naruto, picking up the cat gingerly. It purred, before it rubbed against your chest.

"Haa...Naru-fish, you suck with animals, ya'know that?"

"Yeah?! Well...you're good with them!"

You raised an eye-brow, "Touché...?"

"'Operation: Capture Tora The Lost Pet' complete."

"I'll say..." came your reply.

"Isn't there a more exciting mission we can work on-ttebayo?!"

You winced at the volume.

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