Special Request

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Hi there! This chapter is actually a special request from #1 Asher shipper, fangirldream101 Everytime she meets me, she always ask me to make this chapter. So, here you go girl...
Don't forget to comment and vote... Happy reading ❤

"And Hunter was the most popular. He has so many fans. There were so many love-letters and gifts inside his locker every day. But, he ignored 'em all and I remember, everytime he got a chocolate, he always gave it to me and I ate 'em all. That's why I'm so fat that time," Violet says. Of course he has so many fans. He's the sexiest sex god I've ever seen. Lucky me 'cause I'm his fucking one and only lovely girlfriend.

"And now, your body is perfect. How can you do that?" I ask.

"I'm doing exercise everyday. No gym, I do freeletics. That's really easy to do. Just prepare the matress and move your body," she answers. I guess I'm gonna do some researches about whatever-that-freeletics-is and try to do it. I guess, okay. I guess.

"I'm sorry guys, I need to go to the restroom," Hunter says. I gaze up at him and smiles. He stands up and goes to the restroom. Suddenly, all the lights in the restaurant are off. Everyone shocked, Violet screams and Valerie gets a panic attack. I look around to find Hunt. I'm afraid something bad gonna happens. When I wanna stand up from my seat and looking for my boyfie, I hear something. It's like Hunter's voice.

"Good evening everyone,"

I look at the projector and see my boyfriend's handsome face. He fixes his hair and smiles cutely. I sit back to my chair and pay full attention to it.

"I'm gonna say thankyou for your invaded to this very unpretentious birthday party," Wait what?! This isn't unpretentious, this is incredible. Seriously baby.

"Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou so much," You're welcome. He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"I'm not an introvert, I have a lot of friends, but just a few bestfriend. And you are, I mean all of you are my bestfriends," That's so sweet, Hunt.

"You make my life more colorful guys. Thank God 'cause I have so many great people who love me and care of me, especially you, Ashley Bronx, my one and only girlfriend. A girl that I love so much," he says, looking straight to the camera. Oh my God... I'm melting.

"Ash, my lovely angel..." Oh shit, you make me melt Hunt.

"I fell in love with you from the very first sight. Do you remember our first blind date?" Of course. How can I forget that important day?

"You looked stunning, babe. You turned me on instantly when my eyes directed on you. This is serious," Oh my goodness...

"You're the sweetest creature that God sent to me. You make my life more beautiful, more interesting and you make me love you more every single day," I love you more Hunt. Val brushes her arm on mine.

"He's gonna propose you," she says with a smirk. What?! Is he? He's gonna propose me? He wanna asks me to be his wife?

"No," I say.

"Why not?" She asks.

"Thankyou for everything my baby. Sorry if I made a lot of mistakes, sorry if I made a lot of difficulties for you, sorry if I'm too over-protective and whatsoever. I do that 'cause I love you so much and I don't wanna lose you. I love you Ashley Bronx, so much!" He says and the projector turns off. The lights turn on and Hunter comes back from 'the restroom'. He smiles and sits on his chair.

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