.:: Chapter 16 : He Still Cares ::.

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.:: Carlos' POV ::.

I started walking around the school grounds so I could find (Y/n). I had to apologize for my horrible attitude towards her and win her back...

After about an hour, I was about to give up. I walked inside the library. If she wasn't here then I was giving up for the night and I'd talk to her tomorrow.

I looked around inside and saw a figure sleeping on one of the desks. I moved closer and I realized that it was (Y/n). She must've fallen asleep when studying or something like that.

I rubbed her back lightly, "(Y/n)?"
No response.
I frowned, she must be really tired.

"Hey, it's time to get up, (Y/n/n)," I tried shaking her lightly but she didn't move. She was out like a light.

I sighed, not knowing what to do.
Well, if she wasn't waking up then she'd be sleeping here. So what could I do?
I decided to take my jacket off and put it over her back and shoulders as a blanket. It was big enough, anyway. Since it was cold outside during nights in Auradon I figured the least I could do was give her a jacket. I don't need it now, anyway.

I kissed her hair and walked out of the library. She'd wake up soon enough and head to bed herself.

An hour later I went back into the library to check on her, and she was still fast asleep. I sighed and decided to bring her to bed, since the library was closing in a few minutes. It'd be the best, anyway.

I moved back her chair and picked her up bridal style carefully so I didn't wake her.
Since my dorm with Jay was closer than her's with B/f/n, I decided to bring her to mine. Jay wouldn't mind, anyway.

A few minutes later we got to my dorm and I brought her inside, laying her down on the bed.
I pulled the covers over her.
She moved a little to get comfortable but stayed sleeping.
I grabbed my pajamas and got dressed in the bathroom, then laid down on the floor to sleep. It wasn't very comfortable, but (Y/n) should be the one who's comfortable, not me.

.:: The next morning ::.

"What is (Y/n) doing sleeping in your bed, Pup? Shouldn't she be in her own dorm right now?" Jay asked me, starring down at me who was still on the floor.

"Yeah, but I'd rather her sleep here than in the library. That's just cruel, man!" I answered.
"I guess you're right but you shouldn't be on the floor, either. Get in bed with her," Jay said. "What?? Dude, I can't do that-"

Dude barked at Carlos.
"Not you, Dude, Jay." I chuckled.
"Pup, im serious. Get in the bed."

I sighed, "Alright, fine. But if she gets pissed off it's your fault."

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